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summer school

giulia scalet's picture

International Summer School "Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications"

Glad to share that the University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications” within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, from 1st to 5th July 2024 at Villa del Grumello (Como, Italy).

giulia scalet's picture

Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials" 1-5 July 2024


Save the date!

The University of Pavia, together with Politecnico di Milano, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and University of Bologna, organizes the International Summer School Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications within the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies.

as's picture

Final announcement Summer school Mechanics for the green economy

Organizers invite to attend the summer school 

Mechanics for the green economy: Modeling and High Performance Computing in  multi-scale and multi-physics processes.

Brescia and Trento, Italy,  19-25 July 2017.


Fellowship deadline is Sunday, May 7. Registration deadline July 1, 2017.


Prof. W. Bangerth, Colorado State University, USA

Mike Ciavarella's picture

GADeS Summer School on Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems: Theoretical Aspects and Applications

Dinamica e stabilità

First announcement of
GADeS Summer School on

Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems:
Theoretical Aspects and Applications

July 3-7, 2017, Savona, Italy


Summer School - HPC for Engineering Simulation

The STFC Hartree Centre (in Warrington, UK - located between Manchester & Liverpool) is running 4 high performance computing summer schools from June to July 2016. They are primarily aimed at PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, but are also open to academics and industry at no extra cost. The tuition fees are subsidised by STFC and each week only costs £150. There is a 1 week school on each of the following topics:

7th Summer School on Biomechanics of Soft Tissues: Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Applications

7th Summer School on Biomechanics of Soft Tissues: Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Applications
Graz University of Technology, Austria
July 4 - 8, 2016

coordinated by:
Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Ray W. Ogden, University of Glasgow, UK

Dibakar Datta's picture

FREE Registration : School on Molecular Dynamics for Biomolecules and Nanomaterials


Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer , one of the LAMMPS code developers, is organizing FREE School on Molecular Dynamics for Biomolecules and Nanomaterials at Temple University, Philadelphia (August 18th - 22nd, 2014)

 Detail Schedule is Available Here 

Workshops or summer school in FSI using meshless methods

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Hello everyone,

 I am a doctorate student working with meshless methods for fluid flow. I would like to attend a summer school or workshops that can enrich my knowledge in FSI and meshless methods for FSI. I would really appreciate if anyone could recommend me a good school around Europe. As far as I have searched I was unable to find courses in the internet.

Thanks for your help,


Hirschberger's picture

1st MUSIC Summer School on "Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Interfaces"

The Graduate School MUSIC (Multiscale Methods for Interface Coupling) invites to its first Summer School on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Interfaces at Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany, from 15 to 17 September 2010.

Mahdi Kazemzadeh's picture

"iMechanica",Promotes the "Education"??

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Let's contribute in a bit more educational topic!! If I want to mention two unique properties of the iMechanica, I can say iMechanica is a place where an alive discussion about popular topics of the mechanics going on every day and non stop. So this improves new ideas and as a consequence build some platforms for future research topics in the mechanics world. For me as an student, there is another beneficial and that is some courseworks or lecture notes which I download regularly. These handouts prepared by very expert scientists and are so useful. I appreciate this activities and I am very grateful to all people who also update the educational part of the webpage. Here is a new topic which with your help and comments can improve this part more and give it serious role to play here. Would you write about the summer schools which you are going to have in your universities and institutes located all over the world this summer? The summer schools is a point of interest among all students, specially if the topic will be about mechanics, modelling and simulation, nanomechanics and specially biomechanical issues. Also I will be very pleased if you will recommend the conferences you are going to hold or you like to introduce to student's section. That is another point which will be very useful. I am sure that it will be interesting for other members also. I am waiting for all your helps and news about "summer schools" and other "educational activities" running by you or your universities. I wish you all the best. Thank you.   

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