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arsonc's picture

Open faculty position in CEE at Cornell

The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University (Ithaca campus) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the broad area of dynamics related to the mechanics of structures and materials. Our definition of structures is broad and includes buildings, bridges, dikes, wind turbines, and solar devices/solar panels.

PhD (4 years) on experimental characterization of textile materials and their connections

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on textile modelling and characterization. In this project, the main purpose is to develop a multi-scale textile modelling framework that allows accurate simulation of textile manufacturing processes such as yarn unwinding from a bobbin, weft insertion during weaving, stitching and tufting. Besides a strong numerical research focus, there is also an experimental research track focusing on advanced mechanical testing of textile materials and their connections, both on lab-scale and industrial scale (e.g.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course: Predictive Multiscale Materials Design, June 12-16, 2023

TL;DR: Back on MIT campus, in person, with technical lectures, group work, interactive labs and clinics, networking sessions, and participant talks! Materials design has endless applications in countless industries, and its impact is growing especially at the nexus of creating more sustainable, functional and efficient materials platforms. MIT Predictive Multiscale Materials Design short course will be held during the week of June 12-16, 2023, at MIT. Participants will earn an official MIT certificate.  

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course: Machine Learning for Materials Informatics (Live Virtual, Sept. 26-29, 2022)

In this course you will fully learn how to incorporate new materials informatics methods into your own material modeling, analysis and design processes in order to capitalize on recent AI breakthroughs, such as language models (e.g. GPT-3, BERT, LaMDA, etc.), DNA and protein models (e.g., AlphaFold), graph neural networks applied from molecular to macroscale structures, and a host of methods adapted for computer vision including diffusion models (as used in DALL-E 2 or Imagen), specifically for the analysis, design and modeling of materials. The course involves a mix of lectures, hands-on labs and clinics for an immersive experience. Participants will learn fundamentals and techniques to deploy machine learning in materials development and gain first-hand understanding of state-of-the art tools for varied applications ranging from data mining to inverse design. We will cover scales from the molecular to the continuum.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course - Predictive Multiscale Materials Design

We at MIT, welcome you to join us this summer, in person, for a hands-on design-to-product Predictive Multiscale Materials Design course from June 13-17, 2022. All course registrants will receive an MIT certificate upon completion.

Two Tenure-track Assistant / Associate Professor Positions in the field of Mechanics and Materials at Aarhus University

The Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) at Aarhus University is expanding its research and teaching activities in the field of “Materials Engineering” and invites applications for two Tenure-track Assistant / Associate Professor position within the Section of “Mechanics and Materials”.

Shailendra's picture

Ph.D. Positions in Mechanics and Materials at the University of Houston

We have open Ph.D. positions in my group at the University of Houston (UH) this Fall or Spring 2022. The general area of research is the mechanics of material failure. Of particular interest, is understanding how microstructures influence damage and fracture processes in advanced materials including metals and polymers. We formulate theoretical frameworks to assess and predict material behaviors at different length-scales via computational modeling and simulations. We closely collaborate with experimental groups.

Talk by Prof Dennis Kochmann

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science, Banglore is celebrating its 75th year by hosting distinguished speakers.

This month's talk will be delivered by Prof Dennis Kochmann (ETH Zurich).

Title: Learning from the building blocks of nature in the design of periodic architected materials

Date: Februrary 17, 2021

Time: 16:30 Indian Standard Time (06:00 New York, 12:00 Zurich,  19:00 Beijing)

Pedro Reis's picture

Faculty Position in "Sustainable Materials" at EPFL, Switzerland

The School of Engineering at EPFL invites applications for an industry-sponsored tenure track assistant professor position in Sustainable Materials within its Institute of Materials. We seek exceptional individuals who will develop and drive a research program at the forefront of the discipline, who have a strong dedication to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and who will be proactive members of their professional and university communities.


23rd International Conference Wear of Materials

Abstract submission system now open!

23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials, Banff, Alberta, Canada from 25-29 April 2021.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc positions at MIT available

We have one or more postdoc positions available, to be filled immediately, at MIT’s Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics, under the direction of Professor Markus Buehler. We are looking for postdocs in two broad areas, as described below. 

Position #1: Materials science modeling 

Jingjie Yeo's picture

Multiscale Design of Graphyne‐Based Materials for High‐Performance Separation Membranes Computational modeling and simulations play an integral role in the bottom‐up design and characterization of graph‐n‐yne materials. Here, the state of the art in modeling α‐, β‐, γ‐, δ‐, and 6,6,12‐graphyne nanosheets for synthesizing graph‐2‐yne materials and 3D architectures thereof is discussed.

MMAEatIIT's picture

Faculty position at Illinois Institute of Technology in mechanics/manufacturing/materials

The Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering (MMAE) Department at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor position.

jingguo2011's picture

Reminder: 2018 Midwest Mechanics Workshop registration

Dear Colleagues,

This is a gentle reminder that the 2018 Midwest Mechanics Workshop will take place at IIT, Chicago on Thursday, August 9.  The deadline for registration is July 26, so we will have time to figure out the logistics. Note that registration is free for this one-day workshop. Please see:

Karol Frydrych's picture

PhD position in Warsaw, Poland

PhD studies in mechanics

Project: "Optimization of microstructure in heterogeneous materials - micromechanical and numerical modelling in non-linear regime",

Location: Warsaw - Institute of Fundamental Technological Research,

Requirements: MSc in mechanics, civil engineering, technical physics, material engineering, informatics or related discipline; English spoken and written,

J Mahmud's picture

7th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2018)

ICEIM 2018 & ICFMS 2018: Call for Papers


2018 7th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2018)


3rd International Conference on Functional Materials and Steel (ICFMS 2018)

10 - 12 September, 2018

Kitakyushu, Japan


click on:

Jingjie Yeo's picture

International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering (IJCMSE)

As the Editorial Board member of IJCMSE, I enthusiastically welcome the high quality submissions from the community of iMechanica. The objective of the journal is the publication and wide electronic dissemination of innovative and consequential research in all aspects computational materials science and engineering, featuring the most advanced mathematical modeling and numerical methodology developments.

Postdoc seeking in field of Mechanical or Materials Science Engineering

My name is Lifei Wang, from China. I am 28 years old, and I have been finished my P.H.D degree in July 2015.   Now I'm looking for a postdoc research position in the field of Mechanical or Material Science Engineering. 

zichen's picture

Research Associate positions at Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College

Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, an Ivy League institution in New Hampshire, cordially invites applications for TWO Research Associate positions to start immediately. Collaborative projects led by Dr. John Zhang and Dr. Zi Chen are sponsored by NIH Director’s Transformative Award and Fortune 500 companies in the Silicon Valley. We are looking for outstanding junior scholars with great research potential who are desirous of independent academic or industrial R&D careers.

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nt you consider relevant may also be submitted.

Justin Dirrenberger's picture

Postdoc position between PIMM and CNES

The PIMM lab is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work in a joint project with CNES (French space agency), on the design of architectured materials through additive manufacturing.

Although in French, the link hereafter is available for application, even for non-French speaking candidate.


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