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GADeS 2023 Workshop

We announce that the AIMETA Group Conference "Dynamics and Stability" GADeS 2023 will be held in L'Aquila on 11-12 September 2023.

Participation is free, with no registration fee.

Presentation abstracts will be sent by March 31, 2023 to the email address

The template and all the information (in Italian and English) can be found in the attachment and on the group page on the AIMETA website

Pradeep Sharma's picture

A tutorial on the electrostatics of deformable materials with a focus on stability and bifurcation analysis

The attached tutorial paper is yet unpublished but I am posting a pre-print since several students I know have found it to be a useful pedagogical resource. You may also access the document on arXiv.

Here is the abstract.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

GADeS Summer School on Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems: Theoretical Aspects and Applications

Dinamica e stabilità

First announcement of
GADeS Summer School on

Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems:
Theoretical Aspects and Applications

July 3-7, 2017, Savona, Italy


Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

Consistent and stable meshfree Galerkin methods using the virtual element decomposition

Paper Accepted for Publication in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Consistent and stable meshfree Galerkin methods using the virtual element decomposition

A. Ortiz-Bernardin, A. Russo, N. Sukumar



Shape Bifurcation of a Spherical Dielectric Elastomer Balloon under the Actions of Internal Pressure and Electric Voltage

Under the actions of internal pressure and electric voltage, a spherical dielectric elastomer balloon usually keeps a sphere during its deformation, which has also been assumed in many previous studies. In this article, using linear perturbation analysis, we demonstrate that a spherical dielectric elastomer balloon may bifurcate to a nonspherical shape under certain electromechanical loading conditions.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Robust Stability at the Swallowtail Singularity

Consider the set of monic fourth-order real polynomials transformed so that the constant term is one. In the three-dimensional space of the coefficients describing this set, the domain of asymptotic stability is bounded by a surface with the Whitney umbrella singularity. The maximum of the real parts of the roots of these polynomials is globally minimized at the Swallowtail singular point of the discriminant surface of the set corresponding to a negative real root of multiplicity four.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations

Bringing together 18 chapters written by leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid- and fluid mechanics, this book presents state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new and challenging stability problems.

Carl T. Herakovich's picture

New Ebook on Elastic Solids at Amazon

This treatise provides a broad overview of the definitions of
fundamental quantities and methods of analysis for the use of solid materials
in structural components. The presentation is limited to the linear elastic
range of material behavior where there is a one to one relationship between
load and displacement.  Fundamental
methods of analysis and typical results for structures made of elastic solid materials
subjected to axial, bending, torsion, thermal, and internal pressure loading;

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Nonconservative Stability Problems of Modern Physics

This monograph gives a complete overview on the subject of nonconservative stability from the modern point of view. Relevant mathematical concepts are presented, as well as rigorous stability results and numerous classical and contemporary examples from mechanics and physics.

Nonlinear Dynamics - 2013. Registration deadline extended till January 28th

Dear Colleagues,

The new deadline for abstract (plain text, 400 word limit) submission is now January 28, 2013.


The 4th conference "Nonlinear Dynamics -2013" will be held from 19 until 22 June, 2013 in Sevastopol (Ukraine).

Conference web-site:


The conference is organised by:

4th International Conference "Nonlinear Dynamics - 2013" , Sevastopol, Ukraine, 19-22 June, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The Organizing Committee of the 4th conference ND-2013 is pleased to invite you to participate at the Nonlinear Dynamics Conference to be held from 19 until 22 June, 2013 in Sevastopol (UKRAINE).

Conference web-site:


The conference is organised by:

When Newmark Misses!

                         Accurate Implicit Time Integration in Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis

Using an effective time marching procedure is an important aspect in the implicit finite element analysis

of nonlinear dynamic problems. Here, we demonstrate some of the difficulties that can arise through an

example involving contact chatter and fluid structure interaction:

John R. Willis's picture

Lecture Notes on Stability of Media and Structures

I wrote these notes about 10 years ago to supplement a course of lectures at Ecole Polytechnique.  There might be errors in the notes, but I hope they can help you learn this fascinating subject of lasting value. 

Thermoelastic Instability Analysis

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Hi, I am new to iMechanica. I am also not sure whether this post is appropriate here or not.

Ashfaq Adnan's picture

Effect of Surface Morphology on the Stability of Thin Nanostructures

We have recently studied the atomic scale structural stability of
freestanding wavy gold (Au) nanofilms using molecular dynamics
simulations. In recent years, wavy or patterned structurs have shown great promise for applications in
various emerging technologies including fuel cells
engineering, tissue engineering, biomedical engineering, creation
of counterfeit-resistant documents , nanolithography in microelectronics, optoelectronics, nanomachinesand many others. It is out of question that the
success of these novel applications lies on one crucial factor – the

Warner Tjardus Koiter (1914-1997) and his 1945 thesis

Koiter's PhD thesis, dated 1945, gave the birth of post-buckling analysis, and quantified the notion of imperfection sensitivity.  He wrote the thesis in Dutch.  An excellent English translation is free online.

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