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dynamic stability

Francesco Dal Corso's picture

Stabilization against gravity and self-tuning of an elastic variable-length rod through an oscillating sliding sleeve

Is it possible to prevent the fall of a rod inside a sliding sleeve due to gravity?

graphical abstract

By controlling the transverse oscillations of the constraint and revealing a novel self-tuning dynamic response, we provide a positive answer to this question in our paper:

GADeS 2023 Workshop

We announce that the AIMETA Group Conference "Dynamics and Stability" GADeS 2023 will be held in L'Aquila on 11-12 September 2023.

Participation is free, with no registration fee.

Presentation abstracts will be sent by March 31, 2023 to the email address

The template and all the information (in Italian and English) can be found in the attachment and on the group page on the AIMETA website

rajnishmallick's picture

Buckling of an elastically restrained column

How to find a response for a pinned-(pinned+ torsion spring) column with sinusoidal axial load?

I am unable to decouple the equations in space and time using variable separable method, with one end pinned-other end pinned with torsion spring as boundary conditions.

Can anyone please help.

Good day.



ASME-AMD Summer Meeting 2013: Dynamic Stability of Structural Systems

Dear Colleague:

The 2013 summer meeting of ASME Applied Mechanics Division will be held jointly with the Society of Engineering Science at Brown University, Providence, RI, July 28-31. We are pleased to invite you to a session on Dynamic Stability of Structural Systems, under the symposium on Instability in Solids and Structures that is being organized by the AMD Technical Committee.

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