National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network Computation (NNIN/C)
Project at Michigan provides free computation cycling time for a limited
time (July 25, 2012 to Dec. 20, 2012) to support researchers in
Nanotechnology (Nano/Microsystems, Nanomaterials, Multiscale modeling,
etc). To get a free computation account, please go to:
Once only accessible at the high-end of manufacturing, modelling and simulation is now widely embraced by the industry as a result of increased processor speeds, the accessibility and usability of software and the reliability and robustness of the models and codes which underpin it.
I wanted to simulate fatigue crack growth in ls-dyna, obtain dK, crack tip stress fields. But I wanted to start from a simple model. I can't find any examples online, tutorial...
Modelling and simulation is sometimes said to be the third way of doing science, the first two being theory and experiment; see this essay in Science for example:
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