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Energy Harvesting

A three-year PHD graduate research assistant position on EM wave energy harvesting and sensing

A three-year PHD graduate research assistant position is available immediately in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, University of North Texas-Denton in the fields of electromagnetic wave energy harvesting and sensing, Candidates should have a Bachelor/Master’s degree in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering with good academic standing and should have one or more experiences in the following:

(1) Electromagnetic wave theory and applications

(2) Design and experiment of electromagnetic wave energy harvester and sensors

The Chatter Career Development Chair in Energy Science and Engineering

The Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering (MANE) at RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE in Troy, NY invites applications for the Chatter Career Development Chair, intended for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the area of Energy Science and Engineering to begin August 15, 2019 or thereafter. Exceptionally qualified individuals in areas related to energy harvesting, conversion, transport and storage are encouraged to apply.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Abstract submission is open for MS-7-4 at ESMC 2018, deadline November 15, 2017


Mini-Symposium 7-4 - Instabilities in Structural Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interactions at ESMC 2018 in Bologna. Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2017. Organizers: Oleg Kirillov (Northumbria University), Olivier Doare (ENSTA Paristech). Mini-symposium description:

zichen's picture

Research Associate positions at Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College

Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, an Ivy League institution in New Hampshire, cordially invites applications for TWO Research Associate positions to start immediately. Collaborative projects led by Dr. John Zhang and Dr. Zi Chen are sponsored by NIH Director’s Transformative Award and Fortune 500 companies in the Silicon Valley. We are looking for outstanding junior scholars with great research potential who are desirous of independent academic or industrial R&D careers.

Looking for a Postdoctoral Position

Looking for postdoctoral position. My current postdoc contract at National University of Singapore will be terminated in the end of August, 2016. I have quite good experience in the following areas during my PhD and current postdoc career.

Areas: Dielectric elastomer, Smart Polymer, Energy harvesting using EAPs, Soft Actuation, Hydrogels/conducting polymers, Polymer nanocomposites, Dielectric/Piezoelectric materials.


3 Research Fellowships at University of Southampton for a European Project on Smart Bearings

Looking to take the next step in your academic career? Look no further – three exciting opportunities are available for ambitious researchers to join the UK’s most dynamic research groups for engineering research and education. 

Three open PhD positions about vibration energy harvesting at Virginia Tech

Three fully funded PhD positions are available in Dr. Lei Zuo's group in the department of mechanical engineering at Virginia Tech starting from Fall, 2016. One opening is about design and control of wave energy converter, one is on vibration energy harvesting fro oil drilling system and another one is about energy harvesting from backpack while human walking or running.

Please contact Prof. Lei Zuo ( for further information. 

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

One Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral) Position open in Singapore

We are looking for a highly-motivated research
fellow to work in the area of applied mechanics and materials.

The project is on energy harvesting using soft active materials. This is a joint effort between the Institute of High Performance Computing (A*STAR), and the National
University of Singapore.  The applicant
must hold a PhD degree, prior post-doctoral experience is not required. Relevant
experience in (1) experiments and/or (2) finite element modeling and simulation
is preferred.

tarek.hatem's picture

mini-symposium on Multiscale and Plasticity Models of Energy Related Materials

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to invite you on behalf of myself, Prof. Tahir Cagin (Texas A&M) and Prof. Akhtar Khan (University of Maryland) to contribute to a newly added mini-symvposium to the International Symposium of Plasticity to take place 3-8 January 2013 at Bahamas Island; more detailed information of the event is listed below. 

aerturk's picture

Graduate Research Assistant (PhD student) position in ME @ Georgia Tech

We are seeking a motivated PhD student (only a student currently in the US for an immediate start) to work as a Graduate Research Assistant in our NSF project titled "Metamaterial-Enhanced Electroelastoacoustic Energy Harvesting for Sensor Systems." This computational and experimental project will investigate electroelastoacoustically coupled linear and nonlinear metamaterial-inspired piezoelectric energy harvesting concepts for self-powered sensor systems.

Kmomeni's picture

Nanocomposite Electrical Generators....

A nanocomposite electrical generator composed of an array of zinc oxide nanowires is considered.
The electric potential distribution along zinc oxide nanowires is modeled using continuum
mechanics and Maxwell’s equations for the case of axial loading. A perturbation technique is used
for decoupling the constitutive equations. The governing differential equations are solved using a
finite difference method. It is shown that a gradient of electric potential exists along the axis of the
zinc oxide nanowires. Maximum and minimum values of electric potential exist at the extreme ends
along the nanowire length and have opposite signs. The positive and negative voltages are separated

Tang Lihua's picture

PhD scholarship @ Nanyang Technological University --- Energy Harvesting


A multidisciplinary research team from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, is recruiting PhD students.

qualified applicants will be awarded research scholarship
(S$2000/month, S$2500/month after confirmation) for the entire 4 years
of PhD candidature.

Research Position Opening on Energy Harvesting

Applicants are invited for an immediate opening of a postdoctoral
researcher position at Northwestern University. This researcher will work on
a research project on vibration energy harvesting that involves close
collaborations with experimentalist. Candidates should possess an earned
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Physical sciences, Electrical Engineering,
Material Science, or related disciplines. Candidate should have a strong
theoretical background in solid mechanics and previous experience in solving

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