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postdoctoral position

Postdoctoral Positions at the University of California, San Diego

Postdoctoral positions are available in the department of Structural Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in Prof. Semnani’s research group. We are looking for highly motivated and talented individuals with a recent PhD degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

 The positions are in the areas of computational mechanics, machine learning, geomechanics, material characterization and modeling, and composite materials.

A list of necessary qualifications is below:

Sung Hoon Kang's picture

Postdoctoral fellow, Ph.D. students, master students, and visiting students/researchers positions at KAIST

The Kang Group for Bioinspired Extreme Materials is looking for outstanding candidates to join the group. We have openings as below. Due to the large volume of applications received, we will contact only those selected for interviews. Thank you for your understanding.

Postdoctoral Fellow

One postdoctoral fellow position is available in the area of bioinspired materials with focus on experimental aspects. 

johangaume's picture

PostDoc in computational mechanics / arctic glaciology - University of Zürich and EPFL, Switzerland

The Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics Group of the Department of Geography is dedicated to basic and applied research in Alpine areas and in the Arctic. The Snow Avalanche Simulation Laboratory of EPFL is leading the application of novel numerical methods to geophysical settings.


Your responsibilities


Postdoc position at University of Glasgow

A one-year postdoc position is available in my Computational Biomechanics Research Group at the University of Glasgow. The project is aimed at combining image segmentation with biomechanical calculations and requires experience in scientific code development and nonlinear biomechanics.

carpick's picture

Postdoctoral Position: Oxide Nanoparticles as Lubricant Additives

THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE at the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA invites applications for a full-time position as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS in the laboratory of Prof. Robert W. Carpick (

Jie. Yin's picture

Immediate Postdoc Position in Soft Robotics at NCSU

Applications are invited for an immediate postdoctoral associate opening in the broad area of soft robotics in the Applied Mechanics of Materials Lab of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, US.

This project will focus on bioinspired multifunctional high-performance soft robots in manipulation and locomotion.   

Ahmad Rafsanjani's picture

Postdoc Position in Soft Robotics at SDU Biorobotics

The University of Southern Denmark invites applications from qualified doctoral graduates for a 3-year postdoc position in the field of Soft Robotics.

The application deadline is 14th June, 2020 | Apply Online

Research Fellow (Postdoc) Opening in National University of Singapore (NUS) for "FAST INSTALLATION CONNECTION DESIGN FOR STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES" [Deadline for application: 12 Feb 2020]

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore invites applications for Research Fellow (RF) position in Civil Engineering.


The National University of Singapore (NUS) is a leading global university; ranked 1st in Asia and 11th globally in the 2019 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings. According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019, the NUS Civil & Structural Engineering discipline has been placed 2nd in the world and 1st in Asia.

Supporting high quality candidates in the coming MSCA-IF call

I am looking to support potential high quality candidates for the coming MSCA-IF call to join my group. The postdoc will work in my group (at University of Nottingham, Faculty of Engineering, Centre for Structural Engineering and Informatics) on an interdisciplinary subject related to materials science or computational mechanics of masonry or concrete structures (new or old materials are possible).

Postdoctoral position in computational damage geomechanics

A postdoctoral position in the field of Computational damage geomechanics is open at Université Côte d'Azur.

This project is the result of a collaboration between Geoazur at Université de Nice, the Centre for Material Forming (CEMEF) at Mines ParisTech and the Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné (LJAD) at Université de Nice.

Ramin Aghababaei's picture

Postdoc position in cutting edge optimization for metal machining, Aarhus University, Denmark

Applications are invited for a 2.5-year postdoctoral position at Aarhus University, Denmark. The focus of the project will be on shape optimization of cutting edge for improving milling process of stainless steel. This research opportunity broadly involves the development of physics-based computational approaches and systematic simulations for understanding the micromechanics of material removal from metallic surfaces.  This project is part of a big Grand Solution industrial project, which is funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark.

dithoap's picture

Postdoc Openings in Conductive Polymers, Stretchable Conductors, Textile and Bio-inspired electronics @SYSU

Electromaterials Laboratory@SYSU, is an integrated environment for high-performance conductive materials (with the strong desire to combine fundamental materials science and application-directed research in a single working environment),  located at Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) in Guangzhou, China and forms part of the Materials Science and Engineering department. Our general research activities include
•    understanding and designing conductive materials in the form of films, fibers, and aerogels with unprecedented properties and performance

Research Position Computational Fracture Mechanics

A research position is available at the Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in order to conduct a strategic project funded by the COMET-K2 Competence Center on Integrated Research in Materials, Processing and Product Engineering in Leoben.

Noel ODowd's picture

Post Doctoral Researcher in Smart Machining (Testing and Simulation)

The Confirm Centre for Smart Manufacturing is a new research centre based at the University of Limerick. The Centre brings together 42 industry partners and 16 international manufacturing centres of excellence to focus on the development of smart manufacturing for applications across Ireland’s leading industrial sectors.  

Khalid Jawed's picture

Postdoctoral position in mechanics/robotics at UCLA

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work at the intersection of robotics and mechanics. The selected candidate will join the Structures-Computer Interaction Laboratory, a new group in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of California, Los Angeles. Visit our website: The research project aims to use collaborative robots to investigate the mechanics of structures (slender/flexible structures in particular). Our lab is equipped with a Sawyer collaborative robot from Rethink Robotics. We will explore how continuum mechanics simulations can be used to train robots to perform simple tasks, e.g. tying knots in ropes. Details of the project will be determined after consultation with the candidate.

keten's picture

Postdoctoral Position At Northwestern University

A postdoctoral associate position is available immediately at the Computational Nanodynamics Laboratory at Northwestern University with Prof. Sinan Keten. This research project focuses broadly on the atomistic and multi-scale modeling of biomolecular materials such as nanocellulose and their interfaces with polymers. A Ph.D. in a related field is required for this position. Expertise in atomistic and molecular modeling techniques (molecular dynamics, density functional theory, coarse-grained molecular simulations) is required. Additionally, a strong background in soft matter research (polymer science, biophysics, or related areas) is highly desired. Interested candidates should send a CV, a summary of research interests, contact information of three references, and three most relevant publications as a single pdf file to Evaluations will begin immediately, and the start date is flexible.

Post-Doctoral Position in Bone Biomechanics

A position for a post-doctoral researcher is available in the Microstructure Testing and Analysis Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. The individual appointed to the position will be responsible for research on failure of trabecular bone. A strong background in solid mechanics is desired, with knowledge of numerical simulation. Interest and willingness to participate in an interdisciplinary research team is essential. The position is available for a start Sept. 1, 2016.

KevinGE's picture

One Joint Ph.D. position and one postdoctoral position available at Singapore University of Technology and Design

We are looking for one Ph.D student and one postdoctoral research for a project which is funded by funded by Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and focuses on synthesizing, characterizing, modeling, and simulating the thermo-mechanical behavior of polymers with covalent adaptable networks (CANs), e.g. vitrimers.


Seeking for a postdoc position

Dear Professors,

I am Xilei BIAN, from Shanghai University. I will complete my Ph. D degree this year, and I wish to apply a postdoctoral position related to nanostructured materials or advanced materials. 

I am familiar with and skilled in: Synchrotron Source and the data process, in-situ TEM/SEM, FIB, Instrumented nanoindentation, mechanical testing machine, XRD, DSC, etc.

Looking for a postdoc position.

My research interests are mainly focus on Structures and mechanical behavior, Small scale mechanics, In-situ TEM of Metallic Glasses/Nanostructured materials.And I am proficient in different testing instruments: in-situ TEM/SEM, FIB (preparation of pillars/TEM sample for mechanical testing/TEM foils), Instrumented nanoindentation, Integrated mechanical testing machine, XRD, DSC, etc.

Postdoctoral position in Mechanical Engineering - Shape Memory Alloys

The following description is for a position is in my research group at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 

About Khalifa University (


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