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Todd Hufnagel's picture

Postdoctoral position at Johns Hopkins University in dynamic fracture of glasses and glass ceramics

There is an immediate opening for a post-doctoral scholar in the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute ( at Johns Hopkins University, working with Prof. K.T. Ramesh ( and Prof. Todd Hufnagel (

Flavio Stochino's picture

International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research (IJSGAMR)

Dear all,

the International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research (IJSGAMR) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which covers all aspects of theoretical and practical research of materials science.


Erik Bitzek's picture

Symposium on Structure, Plasticity and Fracture of Inorganic Glasses in Paris

Dear Colleagues,

we are organizing a symposium on Plasticity and Fracture in Inorganic Amorphous Materials at 

Condensed Matter in Paris 2014

to be held August 23 to 29, 2014. 

Your experimental or theoretical contributions are highly welcome. 
Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

The deadline for abstract submission is  April 1st 2014.

Looking forward to seeing you in Paris in August,

Jean-Pierre Guin, Etienne Barhel and Erik Bitzek

Abaqus results

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i try to simulate a 3 points bending of a glass plate with abaqus.

force 1kN !

young modulus = 7e10 Pa

Poisson's ratio = 0.22

- the plate is square (30 cm) , thickness 8.72 mm

- i use 3D extruded solid

- for the load i can't create a line load so i replace this load by pressure in a thin surface (2mm*30cm) applied in the center of the plate

- C3D8R element type

 but the results are strange:

the maximum displacement is 0.672 mm !

is that realistic ? 1kN and just 0.672 mm of central displacement  ?

Simulate moving laser beam on a plate in ANSYS

Hi everyone!

I've been trying ansys for a few weeks but in vain. I'm trying to inject a heat source(laser) on a 2D rect plate. I'm not sure on the corrct way to add the boundary conditions. This is what I do:

1. assuming room temp so i added 298K to the bottom, left and right using define loads >add_temp>lines i inject a heat source say 1000K using define loads>add_temp_on nodes to a few surface center nodes (meaning the top surface still have undefine boundary conditions)  

Glass thermal stress and fracture

I have an investigation on glass fracture in fire.

I have a fortran program and it can calculate the thermal stress with steady-state temperature and force load using finite element method, Now I want to change it to transient temperature and force load.

I wonder which method should be taken? I'd like to calculate the fracture at last.

Please help me! 

Thank you very much.

you can email to me : or

QS Wang


Luming Shen's picture

PhD Scholarship - Monash University, Australia

An Australian Research Council funded PhD Scholarship is available in the Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University in Australia in the area of computational mechanics. The objective of this project is to develop a multi-scale bifurcation-based decohesion model within the framework of the Material Point Method (MPM), one of the meshfree methods, for simulating glass fragmentation under blast loading.

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