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porous materials

Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Novel porous materials by freeze casting

in recent years the technique of freeze casting has undergone tremendous development. New techniques and novel nanoscale building blocks have given rise to porous materials with extraordinary properties. As an example, by spinning freeze cast fibre with aligned pores fabrics with unprecedented levels of thermal insulation could be produced. This 

Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Freeze casting of novel materials

Freeze casting presents exciting new avenues towards high performance materials with aligned pore structures.

Bone scaffolds, highly elastic composites and nacre mimetic materials can all be produced by means of freeze casting methods. 

This comprehensive review presents recent development in terms of materials and processing



Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Elastic behavior in porous materials

In the work shown here:

Multiscale modeling of effective elastic properties of fluid-filled porous materials

The elastic deformation and its dependence on fluid displacement is studied at two distinct scales, to address the multi-scale nature of porous structures in nature.




Post-doc position in Brisbane, Australia

We are working on a modelling problem in fracture mechanics in porous materials, and have advertised a post-doc position for someone with a computational mechanics background. We tend to work with our own FEM codes.

The job link (closing 17th of July)



azadpoor's picture

Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) lab at TU Delft

After several years of research in the area of additive manufacturing, biofabrication, and additively manufactured biomaterials and implants, I finally put up the first version of the website of my lab. I will gradually improve the website, but there is already links to all publications coming out of my lab in the general area of AM.


R. Gabbrielli's picture

Lightweight structures

For those of you interested in the geometry of light frameworks and models for extremely porous materials, here are a couple of links. The first one contains two 3D objects. You need Java to view them.

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