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Angelo Simone's picture

Short Course on Enriched Finite Element Methods at WCCM in NY

We'd like to announce an upcoming short course in Enriched Finite Element Methods at the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics ( The course will be held on Sunday 22nd July at the New York Marriott Marquis hotel.

More information can be found on the flyer and at the course page.

Post-doctoral fellow in Chile's Legato Team

Possibilities for postdoctoral fellowships in Computational Mechanics with Elena Atroshchenko in collaboration within the Legato Team

Please apply here:

If you need information, please contact Elena Atroshchenko <>

Time integration scheme for Dynamic Crack Propagation in XFEM?



I am trying to implement the time integration scheme proposed by Combescure et. al [1] to simulate a dynamic crack propagation problem in XFEM (2D edge crack under impact loading). But I have an interesting question to ask.


Why two different heaviside enrichment functions used in XFEM?

I have been looking at XFEM literature for a while and wondering why do we need 2 different heaviside enrichment functions in XFEM? In paper titled "A finite element method for crack growth without remeshing" by Nicolas Moes et al.(1999), they use the following function for heaviside enrichment:

 H(x,y)={1, for y>0

             -1,for y<0}

 While, in paper titled "A review of extended/generalized finite element methods for material modeling" by Ted Belytschko et al.(2009), they use the following function for heaviside enrichment:

Project Fellow (PhD) position for Indo-China project in Computational Mechanics

The project is between BITS Pilani (India) and Wuhan University (China), funded by the Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India. It is in the area of computational fracture mechanics.

Details of the project and application process is in the attachment.

Post-doctoral Researcher in Advanced Modelling (TU Delft)

Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering at TU Delft

The 3mE Faculty trains committed engineering students, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers in groundbreaking scientific research in the fields of mechanical, maritime and materials engineering. 3mE is the epitome of a dynamic, innovative faculty, with a European scope that contributes demonstrable economic and social benefits.

Post-doctoral Researcher in Advanced Modelling (TU Delft)

 Job description 

As systems become more complex and multidisciplinary, design of these systems also becomes more complicated. To assist design of such systems, physical models and computational tools are needed for their analysis and optimisation. The SOM group's research focus is on the development of such advanced (computational) design techniques, combined with the understanding and design of innovative mechanical devices in precision and microsystems engineering. 

bug on deactivate the crack propagation capability?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Could anyone please help on how to deactivate the crack propagation capability?


Following section 10.7.1 in the User Guide of 6.13, the crack propagation capability can be deactivated in some step. But I tried it in a very simple example through CAE and input file, it does not work.


Particularly, the problems are 


ndaphalapurkar's picture

Postdoc position – Modeling dynamic fracture and fragmentation

A Postdoctoral fellowship is available at The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A. in the area of fracture and fragmentation under dynamic loading conditions. The potential candidate should have a Ph.D. in an engineering discipline, a strong background in fracture mechanics and extensive computational modeling experience working with the finite element methods or some other numerical method with application to solid mechanics.



Can anyone help me with some examples of XFEM implementation in LS-DYNA? Also, is XFEM in LS-DYNA currently applicable with shell elements only?

Thank you,


Elena Benvenuti's picture

X-DMS Conference

You are cordially invited to attend X-DMS 2015 which continues and replaces the successful X-FEM conference cycle (Achen 2009, Cardiff 2011, Lyon 2013) and aims at including a wider variety of methodologies coming from different areas of computational mechanics and numerical analysis.

X–DMS 2015: eXtended Discretization MethodS XFEM, GFEM, Non Conforming, Patches and nonstandard finite elements

9 – 11 September, 2015 – Ferrara, Italy

[Position was filled] A full-time intern position is available at Siemens Corporate Research (Princeton NJ US)

The following position was filled. Thanks for your interest.


A full-time intern position is available at Siemens Corporate Research (Princeton NJ US)


SIMULIA's picture

Missed the SIMULIA XFEM eSeminar?

No worries! Check out the recording and learn how Abaqus FEA provides proven robust capabilities for modeling bulk fracture and crack propagation in many materials. One of the newest techniques available in Abaqus is the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) whose advantages over alternative approaches include mesh independent crack definition, improved convergence rates for stationary cracks, simplified mesh refinement studies and more!

Find the video here:


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