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finite elements

One PhD Position and one 12 months Postdoctoral position at CEMEF (Mines Paris)

One PhD position and one Postdoctoral position are available immediately at CEMEF Mines Paris, in the French Riviera.

  • PhD topic : Numerical modeling of machining processes (finishing) of parts obtained by additive manufacturing;
    Funding : French National Research Agency (ANR)
    Partners : Labomap (Ensam Cluny) & LEM3 (Université Lorraine)


Apply for a Postdoc through NPDF for Fracture Mechanics research

Dear motivated PhDs of India, 


There is an opprtunity to work on experimental and numerical fracture mechanics using the prestigious National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) by SERB India.

The details are available at:

We can have a discussion for a topic in Fracture Mechanics experimental and/or numerical. The scheme is opening on 3rd July 2023. 

Eligible candidates may contact me at :

PhD (4 years) on finite element modelling of textile materials and processes

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on textile modelling. In this project, the main purpose is to develop a multi-scale textile modelling framework that allows accurate simulation of textile manufacturing processes such as yarn unwinding from a bobbin, weft insertion during weaving, stitching and tufting. This framework is implemented using finite element modelling as well as virtual fibre modelling. Key here are the dynamics of these systems as most textile production happens at high speeds.

Lucy Zhang's picture

Postdoctoral position at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to work on an exciting project at the intersection of machine learning, computational mechanics, and materials science.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply, send a resume, a cover letter, and contact information for at least three references to and

mohammedlamine's picture

Efficient Constant Strain Tetrahedron Shape Functions

Dear researchers,

Hi all,

I am pleased to post my following publication:

Study on Dynamic Detection of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Damage by Finite Element Model Updating


PhD/postdoc vacancy (4 years) on development of topology optimization algorithms for functionally graded materials

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing or WAAM techniques are attracting interest from the manufacturing industry because of their potential to produce large metal components with low cost and short production lead time. This process exists alongside other high deposition rate metal AM technologies such as powder and wire based DED. While these use either laser or an electron beam as energy source to melt a metal powder or wire, WAAM technologies melt metal wire using an electric arc.

A.Tabarraei's picture

PhD position in computational solid mechanics

A PhD position is available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The research project is in the multiscale modeling of damage and fracture. Combined atomistic and continuum mechanics models will be used to study the failure of materials. Candidates should have a strong background and interests in continuum mechanics and have knowledge or intersts of learning of molecular dynamics simulations. Programming experience in Fortran or C++ is a big plus. The starting date for this position is August 2018.

Flavio Stochino's picture

A refined assumed strain finite element model for statics and dynamics of laminated plates

This work discusses some alternate models of a mixed assumed strain finite element which has been developed for laminated plates. After a brief theoretical review about this kind of plates and their possible finite element formulation, specifically devised for predicting the mechanical behavior of such structures, we discuss four possible assumptions for strains generating four kinds of mixed assumed strain finite elements.

Harold S. Park's picture

Post-Doctoral Position in Computational Modeling of Topological Insulators

I am looking to recruit a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher to study, via the development of new computational techniques, various scientific issues surrounding phononic topological insulators.  The position is available for a 1-year duration, with possible extension to future years depending on the availability of funding.  

Requirements for the position include:

1.  A strong background in computational solid mechanics, and in particular topology optimization techniques (i.e. level set-based)

jsegurado's picture

PhD position in Multiscale mechanical modeling of metals , IMDEA-Materials Institute

IMDEA Materials Institute is non-profit research organization located in Madrid, Spain, to carry out research activities in Materials Science and Engineering. More information can be found 

jsegurado's picture

PhD and Postdoct positions in Crystal Plasticity, IMDEA-Materials Institute

Searching for PhD (thesis) candidate and Postdoctoral research associate, to work in Multiscale Materials Modeling, with special emphasis in crystal plasticity modelling with the finite element method.

A.Tabarraei's picture

Ph.D. Position in Computational Solid Mechanics

Two PhD positions are available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
The research project is in the multiscale modeling of the stress corrosion cracking. Candidates should have a strong background in continuum mechanics, finite elements modeling and/or molecular dynamics simulations. Programming experience in Fortran or C++ is a big plus. The starting date for this position is January 2018 or August 2018. Interested candidates please send a detailed CV along with the name and contact info of three references to

Postdoctoral Opportunities at US Naval Research Laboratory

We are looking for Postdoctoral Fellows with computational mechanics background specializing in one or more of these areas: solid mechanics, wave-structure interaction, fatigue and corrosion induced structural damage.

Please check the attached flyer for details or visit


Thanks, Saikat Dey

Kostas Danas's picture

PhD scholarship in Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France

One Ph.D. position is now available starting October 2017 on harnessing instabilities in magnetorheological elastomers. The PhD will be pursued in the Solid Mechanics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France. The potential student will work on the development of new experimental procedures and numerical models for the fabrication and testing of new magnetorheological elastomeric devices that operate in the postbifurcation regime by proper combination of mechanical and magnetic loadings.

Flavio Stochino's picture

Mixed assumed-strain finite element model for laminates

Fibre-reinforced plates and shells are finding an increasing interest in engineering applications; in most cases dynamic phenomena need to be taken into account. Consequently, effective and robust computational tools are sought in order to provide reliable results for the analysis of such structural models. In this paper the mixed assumed-strain laminated plate element, previously used for static analyses, has been extended to the dynamic realm. This model is derived within the framework of the so-called First-order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT).

A.Tabarraei's picture

Ph.D. position in computational solid mechanics

A PhD position is available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The research project is on the multiscale modeling of the stress corrosion cracking. Candidates should have a strong background in continuum mechanics, finite elements and constitutive modeling. Programming experience in Fortran or C++ is required for this position. The starting date for this position is January 2017.

Flavio Stochino's picture

Sardinia radio telescope finite element model updating by means of photogrammetric measurements

 The 64 m diameter Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT), located near Cagliari (Italy), is the world’s second largest fully steerable radio telescope with an active surface. Among its peculiarities is the capability of modifying the configuration of the primary mirror surface by means of electromechanical actuators. This capability enables, within a fixed range, balancing of the deformation caused by external loads.

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

On fracture in finite strain gradient plasticity

I hope some of you - particularly those working on strain gradient plasticity or damage and fracture modeling - find this work interesting. 

On fracture in finite strain gradient plasticity

(A pre-print version is available at

Cellular Automata for Multi-scale Fracture

Could cellular automata be used to model mechanisms (for quasi-brittle fracture) that occur at the meso-scale and then feed these mechanisms to a macro-scale finite element model? Is it possible to replace constitutive models with mechanistic models, simulating mechanisms that lead to fracture instead of formulating equations that predict failure? These are typical questions that have motivated my recent collaboration with Dr Anton Shterenlikht at the University of Bristol.

Postdoc on FE simulation of 3D printed cellular structures @ Ghent University (Belgium)

"3D printing" is a popular term for the layerwise manufacturing of metals or polymers with a printing head, that builds up the component with droplets of molten polymer or metal into a 3D shape. The geometries that can be realized with this technique, can be very complex, and this with a minimum of material usage, because no material has to be milled away. Further, very lightweight materials can be achieved. Flanders region plays a leading role in Europe in this 3D printing sector, with important industrial players such as Materialise, Layerwise and Melotte.

postdoctoral position - isogeometric analysis

IMATI-CNR and the Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia offer a postdoc position on isogeometric analysis. This research project focuses on the design and implementation of innovative isogeometric methods for solid/fluid mechanics.  In particular the target applications are related to

- nearly-incompressible and fibered materials

- fluids in geological formations

This research project is partially supported by the private sector, and is supervised by Annalisa Buffa and Giancarlo Sangalli.


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