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Ph.D. in seismology and geodynamics at ETH Zurich

The institute of Geophysics of ETH Zurich is seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to be working in the domain of seismic imaging of the Earth's interior. Global seismic tomography is a relatively young discipline that rose to prominence in the 1980s and

Using Fluid Mechanics for Geologic Salt Domes?

I was recently presented with a problem concerning the migration of a salt formation in an area of Utah. After spending a little time looking at the given data, I decided it might be a problem that could be approached using fluid mechanics. The idea being that the salt formation, relatively speaking, is highly viscous and is free to respond to acting forces and deform appropriately. Essentially, I was hoping to treat the salt formation almost like the bladder of a water bed reacting to differential loading. 

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