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fluid mechanics

Konstantin Volokh's picture

Navier-Stokes model with viscous strength

In the laminar mode interactions
among molecules generate friction between layers of water that slide with
respect to each other. This friction triggers the shear stress, which is
traditionally presumed to be linearly proportional to the velocity gradient.
The proportionality coefficient characterizes the viscosity of water. Remarkably,
the standard Navier-Stokes model surmises that materials never fail – the transition
to turbulence can only be triggered by some kinematic instability of the flow. This
premise is probably the reason why the Navier-Stokes theory fails to explain

PhD opportunity at Queen Mary, University on London, on numerical simulation of particle-laden interfaces

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available to work on simulation methods to treat colloidal
particles that are flowing near, or are transported within fluid interfaces (L.
Botto et al., Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 9957-9971); the focus is on fluid
mechanical aspects coupled with physical-chemistry. For details:

Xiao Hu Liu's picture

CFD analyst opening

Please apply online. Do not contact me; I do not work in the company.


Andrew Bunger's picture

Senior Research Scientist in hydraulic fracturing/geomechanics

CSIRO division of Earth Science and Resource Engineering is seeking a Senior Research Scientist in hydraulic fracturing/geomechanics. The position is located in Melbourne, Australia and the successful candidate will play a leading role in a world class hydraulic fracturing laboratory facility and in a hydraulic fracturing research team that integrates modelling with experimentation at laboratory and field scales.

Postdoctoral Research Associate Opening



Department of Petroleum Engineering

The Tulsa University Drilling Research Projects invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The selected candidate will work under general supervision of the Director of Drilling Research Projects on diversified projects related to drilling fluids and mechanics that are sponsored mostly by the oil and gas industry.

Cai Wei's picture

Open Junior Faculty Positions in Stanford ME

There are two open junior faculty positions in Stanford’s Mechanical Engineering department.  One is in the area of biomechanical engineering (broadly defined) and the second is theoretical and computational fluid mechanics (broadly defined).

How to deal with noisy data in a mesh free Galerkin method

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

I'm currently working with a particle tracking velocimetry method, specifically trying to extract shear and vorticity data from the non-gridded velocity results. Of several methods used, the most efficient and accurate was based on a non-Sibsonian element free method. Unlike a more typical Galerkin problem which finds displacements by solving a PDE, this method uses the displacements of natural neighbors to find local flow gradients. 

zishun liu's picture

Online submission system for International Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAM) is now LIVE

World Scientific is proud to announce the launch of a new online submission system, Editorial Manager (EM), for International Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAM). One of the industry standard systems used by major academic publishers, EM provides a full online solution for manuscript submission, peer-review, and tracking.

Solving Reynolds equation (EHL problem)

I'm working on the numerical solution of the mixed problem in lubricated contacts. Does anyone know if the lubricant equation (Reynolds one) was never solved for film thickness instead of pressure (like actually is done with MGMI techniques) in some pubblication?

Using Fluid Mechanics for Geologic Salt Domes?

I was recently presented with a problem concerning the migration of a salt formation in an area of Utah. After spending a little time looking at the given data, I decided it might be a problem that could be approached using fluid mechanics. The idea being that the salt formation, relatively speaking, is highly viscous and is free to respond to acting forces and deform appropriately. Essentially, I was hoping to treat the salt formation almost like the bladder of a water bed reacting to differential loading. 

Carl T. Herakovich's picture

Berger on Video Solutions for Teaching Mechanics

Professor Ed Berger, Univeristy of Virginia Mechanical Engineering, is featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education for his use of web technologies and, in particular, "video solutions" for teaching undergraduate mechanics courses. See  Or contact Berger at  Ed hasn't used this approach for all undergraduate mechanics courses as yet, but the potential is there. 

Simpleware and COMSOL Announce Partnership

Simpleware Ltd. and COMSOL Inc. announced at the COMSOL Users Conference 2007 in Grenoble a partnership agreement to provide an export interface from Simpleware's world-leading 3D image-based meshing software +ScanFE™ to COMSOL Multiphysics® 3.4, the industry's foremost multiphysics simulation environment. The +ScanFE interface enables COMSOL users to directly import high-quality meshes generated from MRI, CT, and MicroCT scan data into COMSOL Multiphysics 3.4 for modelling and simulation without requiring re-meshing or pre-processing.

The efficiency of turbines

Hello students (and also others) at iMechanica,

Last weekend, while channel browsing on TV, I happened to notice a documentary on the Hoover dam (in the US). It showed a number of jets of water, huge ones, forcefully springing forth out of the rock faces just downstream of the dam. These were the water jets coming off the electricity generation plant of the dam, *after* their job of generating electricity was already over.

Simpleware signs up Vangest Group as their reseller in Portugal and Spain

Simpleware Ltd., the world leader in image-based meshing software, has signed a reseller agreement with Vangest Group, a provider of most advanced solutions in project, development and manufacturing.


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