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arash_yavari's picture

On the Effective Dynamic Mass of Mechanical Lattices with Microstructure

We present a general formalism for the analysis of mechanical lattices with microstructure using the concept of effective dynamic mass. We first revisit a classical case of microstructure being modeled by a  spring-interconnected mass-in-mass cell. The frequency-dependent effective dynamic mass of the cell is the sum of a static mass and of an added mass, in analogy to that of a swimmer in a fluid. The effective dynamic mass is derived using three different methods: momentum equivalence, dynamic condensation, and action equivalence.

Julian J. Rimoli's picture

MicroStructPy: Generation of statistically representative microstructures with direct grain geometry control

I would like to share an article that was recently published in CMAME.

It is about MicroStructPy, a very flexible microstructure generator able to represent various statistics for microstructures with multiple phases. It works in 2D and 3D and you can provide, for each phase, grain size distributions, volume fraction, elongation and orientation distribution for elongated grains, etc.

ndaphalapurkar's picture

WCCM 2018, New York City. Symp#1216 Microstructure Regulated Mechanics of Materials Under Extreme Dynamic Environments

Dear Colleague,

A mini-symposium on the Microstructure Regulated Mechanics of Materials Under Extreme Dynamic Environments at the 2018 World Congress on Computational Mechanics ( will take place in stunning heart of New York City, New York from July 22--27, 2018. 

Ph.D. Student Positions in Computational Materials Science and Mechanics

Several Ph.D. student positions are available in Professor El-Azab’s group with the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University. The group performs advanced theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, phase field method development, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics. Applicants with MS in mechanical, aerospace, or materials engineering, with background in microstructure science, continuum mechanics and elasticity, numerical methods or computational techniques such as finite element method are highly preferred. Knowledge of at least one advanced programming language such as Fortran or C++ is required. Exceptional applicants with BS degree will also be considered. The openings are for spring 2018, summer 2018 and fall 2018. Applicants must meet Purdue University and School of Materials Engineering admission criteria. For inquiry please send email to Professor El-Azab (

Ph.D. Student Positions in Computational Materials Science and Mechanics

Several Ph.D. student positions are available in Professor El-Azab’s group with the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University. The group performs advanced theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, phase field method development, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics. Applicants with MS in mechanical, aerospace, or materials engineering, with background in microstructure science, continuum mechanics and elasticity, numerical methods or computational techniques such as finite element method are highly preferred. Knowledge of at least one advanced programming language such as Fortran or C++ is required. Exceptional applicants with BS degree will also be considered. The openings are for spring 2018, summer 2018 and fall 2018. Applicants must meet Purdue University and School of Materials Engineering admission criteria. For inquiry please send email to Professor El-Azab (

Ph.D. Student Positions in Computational Materials Science and Mechanics

Several Ph.D. student positions are available in Professor El-Azab’s group with the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University. The group performs advanced theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, phase field method development, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics. Applicants with MS in mechanical, aerospace, or materials engineering, with background in microstructure science, continuum mechanics and elasticity, numerical methods or computational techniques such as finite element method are highly preferred. Knowledge of at least one advanced programming language such as Fortran or C++ is required. Exceptional applicants with BS degree will also be considered. The openings are for spring 2018, summer 2018 and fall 2018. Applicants must meet Purdue University and School of Materials Engineering admission criteria. For inquiry please send email to Professor El-Azab (

Ph.D. Student Positions in Computational Materials and Mechanics

Several Ph.D. student positions are available in Professor El-Azab’s group with the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University. The group performs advanced theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, phase field method development, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics. Applicants with MS in mechanical, aerospace, or materials engineering, with background in microstructure science, continuum mechanics and elasticity, numerical methods or computational techniques such as finite element method are highly preferred. Knowledge of an advanced programming languages such as Fortran or C++ is required. Exceptional applicants with BS degree will also be considered. The openings are for fall 2018 semester but those who wish start in the spring or summer 2018 will be accommodated. Applicants must meet Purdue University and School of Materials Engineering admission criteria. For inquiry please send email to Professor El-Azab (

Ph.D. Student Positions in Computational Materials and Mechanics

Several Ph.D. student positions are available in Professor El-Azab’s group with the School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University. The group performs advanced theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, phase field method development, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics. Applicants with MS in mechanical, aerospace, or materials engineering, with background in microstructure science, continuum mechanics and elasticity, numerical methods or computational techniques such as finite element method are highly preferred. Knowledge of an advanced programming languages such as Fortran or C++ is required. Exceptional applicants with BS degree will also be considered. The openings are for fall 2018 semester but those who wish start in the spring or summer 2018 will be accommodated. Applicants must meet Purdue University and School of Materials Engineering admission criteria. For inquiry please send email to Professor El-Azab (

Postdoc seeking in field of Mechanical or Materials Science Engineering

My name is Lifei Wang, from China. I am 28 years old, and I have been finished my P.H.D degree in July 2015.   Now I'm looking for a postdoc research position in the field of Mechanical or Material Science Engineering. 

a.dorbane's picture

Mechanical, microstructural and fracture properties of dissimilar welds produced by friction stir welding of AZ31B and Al6061

Friction stir welding (FSW) has been used for joining AZ31B magnesium alloy and Al 6061-T6 aluminum alloy sheets. In this regard, the current work aims to study the mechanical, microstructural and fracture properties of dissimilar FSW welds obtained by evolving the tool rotation and translation speeds. The dissimilar welds microstructure and mechanical properties are evaluated and correlated with the FSW parameters to obtain the optimum weld conditions. The results showed that placing aluminum on the advancing side of the weld resulted in better quality welds.

yann.charles's picture

Available PhD position in material science at LSPM - Paris, france

no longer available.


Multi-Components Refractory Metallic Alloys with a High Mixing Entropy: Formulation, Microstructural Evolution and Behavior under large Deformation

Giorgio Carta's picture

Temperature induced crack propagation in structured media

This paper describes the propagation of an edge crack in a semi-infinite triangular lattice, consisting of identical point masses connected by thermoelastic links. A change of temperature, represented by a time-periodic series of high-gradient temperature pulses, is applied at the boundary of the lattice. In order to make the initial crack advance in the lattice a failure criterion is imposed, whereby the links break as soon as they attain a prescribed elongation.

hlfrandsen's picture

PhD position in Analysis of Fracture in Porous Ceramic Catalysts by use of X-ray Tomography

The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Haldor Topsøe A/S (HTAS) is seeking a candidate for a PhD position in analysis of fracture in porous ceramic steam-reforming catalysts by use of X-ray tomography.


Responsibilities and tasks

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

Finite Element software Z-set : new web page

New web page of Finite Element Analysis software Z-set is now open:
What is Z-set

Z-set is a computational code devoted to the analysis of material and
structure behavior, involving a finite element solver and a collection
of specific tools for material parameter calibration, preprocessing and
postprocessing computations. Z-set is the result of 30 years of close collaboration between the

Stephan Rudykh's picture

Analysis of microstructural induced enhancement of electromechanical coupling in soft dielectrics

Electroactive soft elastomers require huge electric field for a meaningful actuation. We demonstrate, by means of numerical simulation, that this can be dramatically reduced and large deformations can be achieved with suitably designed heterogeneous actuators. The mechanism by which the enhancement is attained is illustrated with the aid of both idealized and periodic models.

3-D Microstructure Reconstruction of Polymer Nano-Composite using FIB-SEM and Statistical Correlation Function

reconstruction of Halloysite nanotube (HNT) polypropylene composite has
been performed using two different methods. In the first method,
several slices of the composite material were obtained using focused ion
beam (FIB), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A representative
volume element (RVE) of the real material’s micro/nanostructures was

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Determination of Representative Volume Element (RVE) based on Microstructure

Estimating the response of polycrystalline materials using sets of weighted statistical volume elements

Siddiq M. Qidwai, David M. Turner, Stephen R. Niezgoda, Alexis C. Lewis, Andrew B. Geltmacher, David J. Rowenhorst, Surya R. Kalidindi

Acta Materialia, 60, 5284–5299, 2012; 

EnginSoftUK's picture

Oil & Gas Webinar - Save Time and Money While Pushing Reservoir Data Handling to New Frontiers

Tuesday 11th September

Register Now

Kraken is a powerful cost and time-saving reservoir simulation post-processor, originally developed for a key Brazilian client by ESSS, South America's leading engineering simulation solutions company.

It features a modern user interface tailored to the visualization and manipulation of multiple scenarios and data sets from all leading reservoir simulators, within any user workflow.

Join us for a free 1-hour Kraken web event on Tuesday 11th September, presented by Marcos Damiani (ESSS) including a Live Demo of Kraken.

Why penetrable model can be assumed in random?

There is a lot of homogenization theories based on penetrable model or some other name like 'overlapping', 'randomly imbedded model' to analyze random microstructure. In reality, the fibers or inclusions can not be penetrated into each other, so why they use this assumption anyway?



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