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pragtic's picture

2nd Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

We did it some 16 months ago - the 1st volume of this new online workshop was run without any budget and without any costs. Simply, a meeting place for researchers focused on a similar topic, and willing to share their experience with a broad auditorium. The content still can be found on our website, including records from all lectures.

Mechanical Engineering HQ's picture

Using Solar Heat to Create Clean Drinking Water

Hello again iMechanica! My name is Ryan and I am the Founder of Mechanical Engineering HQ. I am writing today to share an interesting development in water sanitation technology. Scientists and engineers have developed a new solar powered water purifier that can create drinking water from wastewater and seawater. Read on to find out how they have achieved this!

Ji Wang's picture

Faculty Positions in ALL Levels with the School of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Ningbo University 宁波大学机械工程与力学学院招聘启事

The School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, is looking for cadidates for all subjects in the broad field of mechanical engineering and mechanics.  In addition to traditional field of impact and shock waves, piezoelectric devices, material durability, and metal forming, the school are also initiating new directions like vechicle engineering, fluid mechanics, occean engineering, solid mechanics, thermodynamics, vibrations, strength, and other related subjects.

Coupled thermo-structural analysis of CFRP using ANSYS

Hi everyone,

 does anyone know publications dealing with the coupled thermo-structural analysis (direct method) of CFRP using ANSYS?

Coupled thermo-structural analysis of CFRP using ANSYS

Hi everyone,

 does anyone know publications dealing with the coupled thermo-structural analysis (direct method) of CFRP using ANSYS?

A book on mechanics that would pique your curiosity

I am happy to recommend the following book for your general reading.

Ranganath, G.S., ``Mysterious Motions and other Intriguing Phenomena in Physics," Hyderabad, India: Universities Press (2001)

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