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composite materials

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Multiscale.Sim new version released

Multi materials support in microstructure modeling and a new interface for drape simulation ⇒ Release Notes

What's New

Multiscale.Sim offers powerful microstructure modeling capabilities and it's been one of its unique and most sought after features for a long time. This version update brings most anticipated multiple material support for microstructure modeling. 

Jian_Li's picture

Postdoc positions on mechanics of materials and structures

Postdoc positions are immediately available in the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (First Class Academic Discipline) at Central South University in Dr. Li's research group. Lists of topics of interest are:

1. Impact Fatigue;

2. Fluid and structure interaction;

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Global Webinar - An Efficient Analysis Approach for RTM Simulation

This webinar will showcase simulation techniques to predict the quality of your RTM molded product without excessive reliance on actual tests.

Save the date: 28 November 2023 at 3 PM JST ⇒ Register from here

Webinar Abstract

WCCM 2024: Minisymposium Numerical modelling of composite materials and structures

Call for papers  Dear colleague,  

We warmly invite you to submit an Abstract to the mini symposium: Numerical modelling of Composite Materials and Structures (1004) 

Which is a part of: The 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics which is held between 21-26th July 2024 on Vancouver, Canada. 



Chandima Uyanage's picture

Correlation Studies of Different Decoupled Two-Scale Simulations for Lattice Structures

Sharing for the benefit of those who are interested: A new technical paper co-authored by researchers at the JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, The University of Tokyo and CYBERNET SYSTEMS CO.,LTD., was published in the Aerospace - a free-access journal by MDPI. The authors reckon that the study will provide a guideline for effective designs of high-performance lattice structures with architected materials.

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Multi-scale material design and simulation add-in tool - Multiscale.Sim 2022R2 version released

Multiscale.Sim 2022R2 version is now available globally.

Multiscale.Sim is an add-in tool for the Ansys Workbench environment (it's also compatible with Ansys Mechanical APDL). It can help to predict materials behavior using virtual material testing without having to rely on costly and time-consuming physical testing all the time. The software includes a templates library to easily create microstructure of materials. It's available in English and Japanese UI.

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Webinar: Multiscale material design with molding history effects using a dedicated Ansys extension

In this webinar, we will introduce the latest analysis technologies with specific analysis examples to predict materials behavior using analytical prediction of microstructure combined with virtual material testing.

Save the date: 22 February 2023 at 10 AM CET ⇒ Register from here

Webinar Abstract

Chandima Uyanage's picture

Webinar: Introduction of Multiscale Analysis Techniques to Accelerate PCB Design

Many types of composites are used in Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). Virtual Material Testing can help to find optimal materials properties to match various design requirements resulting in a faster design process and increased product life.

Save the date: 30 November 2022 at 11 AM CET ⇒ Register from here

Webinar Abstract

Deepak Pokkalla's picture

Postdoctoral Researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Composites Innovation group at Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF), Oak Ridge National Laboratory is looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will focus on manufacturing high temperature materials for advanced manufacturing of composites. We are seeking a postdoc with polymer chemistry and formulation experience, as well as composite technology. 

Sergio Turteltaub's picture

Postdoctoral researcher on multifunctional structural batteries composites for electric aviation: Delft University of Technology

The faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) is looking for a postdoctoral researcher on multifunctional structural batteries composites to work on a project regarding the future of electric aviation. Interested? Keep reading: 

Job description

Development and Characterization of Ti/SiC Metal Matrix Nanocomposite Coating with Superior Surface Properties

In this work, a Ti/SiC metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC) coating was produced on Ti-6Al-4V substrate by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique. The MMNC coating had 7% SiC and 93% Ti by volume. It was observed that applying the nanocomposite coating on titanium substrate significantly reduced the wear and coefficient of friction (COF). By applying the coating, 108% improvement in hardness of Ti-6Al-4V substrates was obtained. The MMNC coating also showed a COF of 0.38 as compared to 0.42 for the Ti-6Al-4V substrate.

Faustino Mujika's picture

3-point bending test procedure for obtaining flexural and shear modulus

In the case of orthotropic materials like wood or composites, transverse shear has an effect on the modulus determination by bending tests. A procedure based on three-point bending is proposed. The experimental data required are the load and displacement given by the testing machine. The novelties of the proposal are:

ebarbero's picture

mechanics of composite materials teaching--online homework

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Just released, 105 homework problems for mechanics of composite materials in Webwork environment. You can choose 105 randomized (each student gets different data) or the same 105 problems but not-randomized to make it easier to teach online (all students work with same data so it is easier to answer questions online). Take a look at this introductory Youtube video.

breit's picture

PhD opening for a French speaking European candidate: Design and optimization of structures with composite materials

Attention: due to the source of funding, this position is open only to European Union nationals fluent in French language


Intitulé : Stratégie de conception et d'optimisation de pièces thermoplastiques estampées 

Laboratoire d’accueil à l’ONERA, en collaboration avec le CETIM, Nantes et l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne 

myourd's picture

Funded PhD position in polymer composites

One PhD position is available in the Multifunctional Polymers and Composites Laboratory at Colorado State University on advanced manufacturing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites. A strong background in material characterization, design, and processing is required. Interested candidates should send their CV, transcripts, and samples of recent work to


claudiosaul.lopes's picture

PhD position: multiscale computational mechanics of advanced composites

The Composites Materials Group ( at IMDEA Materials, led by Dr. Carlos González and Dr. Cláudio S. Lopes, invites applications for a PhD student position in the field of multiscale computational mechanics of advanced composites. Candidates with interest and knowledge on computational damage mechanics, model development, numerical simulation and optimization methods for advanced composite materials and structures are strongly encouraged to apply.

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Industrial PhD studentship available (EU/UK students only), University of Southampton, UK

A PhD studentship is available at the University of Southampton as part of a collaboration with MatchID NV. It consists at exploring new heterogeneous test configurations for composites and elastomers, based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the Virtual Fields Method (VFM). The overarching goal is to propose new standard tests relying on heterogeneous states of strain and stress for cheaper and more robust material testing.

claudiosaul.lopes's picture

Posdoc in smart manufacturing of composite materials

The candidate will work in a project related with smart manufacturing of composite materials by injection/infusion techniques. The project will consist in a joint collaboration between Data Mining Research Group from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Materials Institute. The research activities will be focussed on the application of simulation techniques (computational fluid mechanics) to the optimization of manufacturing process of composite materials by liquid moulding, including the creation of a physical demonstrator.

Noel ODowd's picture

Fellowships (3 year) available in computational mechanics of composite materials

Expressions of interest are invited for applicants interested in applying for a 3 year post-doctoral fellowship in the area of computational mechanics of composite materials.

claudiosaul.lopes's picture

Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Mechanics of Composite Materials at IMDEA Materials

The research group of Design and Simulation of Composites Structures at IMDEA Materials, led by Drs. Carlos González and Cláudio S. Lopes, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of multiscale computational mechanics of advanced composites. Candidates with strong background knowledge on computational damage mechanics, model development, and numerical simulation of advanced composite materials and structures are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in experimental mechanical testing of composites is highly valued.


Portuguese version of cadec-online available

The Protuguese version of is available. Previous versions include English, Spanish, and Farsi. English is the base version for the developement of the app. I did the Spanish translation. Farsi and Portuguese were done by volunters. We are looking for volunteers for other translations. pls contact me if interested.  

Composite crushing + CZONE application


I am modelling a crushing simulation of a composite corrugated coupon using Abaqus/Explicit and CZONE Abaqus' application.


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