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Postdoc Position in Dynamic Fracture of Materials at Czech Technical University in Prague

We are seeking a highly talented and motivated researcher to work within our strong research group “Dynamics of material fracture” oriented at experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical response and failure of materials at high

Jian_Li's picture

Ph.D. and Postdoc positions on mechanics of compostie materials and structures

Ph.D. and Postdoc positions are available in the  School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (First Class Academic Discipline) at Central South University in Dr. Li's research group. Lists of topics of interest are:


1. Rain/sand erosion;

2. Fatigue of fiberglass composite for wind turbine blade;

Fabrice Pierron's picture

PhD position at Ghent University, Belgium

There is an opportunity to apply for a scholarship at the University of Ghent in Belgium as part of the DyMaLab laboratory on the following topic: Coupled experimental-numerical techniques to identify impact-dynamic properties of advanced materials. A detailed description is available in the attached PDF.

WaiChing Sun's picture

PhD position on Geometric Learning for Computational Solid Mechanics at Columbia University

 I have a fully funded PhD position starting in Fall 2022 at Columbia University for a new project on geometric learning for solids undergoing high-strain-rate loadings. More information can be found at our research group website More information can be at our research group website General information about admissions and applications can be found at.

Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Czech Technical University in Prague


Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Computational Impact Dynamics for Automotive and Aerospace Applications



Ramathasan Thevamaran's picture

Superior Energy Dissipation by Ultrathin Semicrystalline Polymer Films Under Supersonic Microprojectile Impacts

Distinct deformation mechanisms that emerge in nanoscale enable the nanostructured materials to exhibit outstanding specific mechanical properties. Here, we present superior microstructure- and strain-rate-dependent specific penetration energy (up to ∼3.8 MJ/kg) in semicrystalline poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) thin films subjected to high-velocity (100 m/s to 1 km/s) microprojectile (diameter: 9.2 μm) impacts.

Gustavo Quino's picture

Postdoctoral Research Assistant - University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Impact Engineering Experimentation for Aerospace Applications

We are seeking a highly talented and motivated researcher to contribute to the characterisation of the mechanical response of titanium alloys at high rates of strain, high temperature and cyclic loading at low and high strain rate. This post is based at the Begbroke Science Park and is available for 2 years.

Gustavo Quino's picture

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Impact Engineering - University of Oxford

"We are seeking two full-time Postdoctoral Research Associates in Impact Engineering to join a team of researchers focused on investigation of pressure, temperature and strain rate dependent behaviour of advanced materials for high-performance aerospace applications within the Impact Engineering Team, an integral part of the Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Group at the Department of Engineering Science (University of Oxford Begbroke Science Park). The post is funded by Rolls Royce for a fixed-term of 2 years in the first instance.

Yongle Sun's picture

Dynamic compressive behaviour of cellular materials: a review of phenomenon, mechanism and modelling

Dynamic compressive behaviour of cellular materials is crucial to their applications in energy absorption, ballistic mitigation and blast/impact protection. The recent research progress in this subject has led to an improved understanding of the experimental, analytical and numerical observations. This review focuses on the aspects ofphenomena, mechanisms and modelling on the concerned subject.

Ramathasan Thevamaran's picture

A few experimental studies on the dynamic behavior of foam-like aligned carbon nanotubes

I'm posting a few experimental studies we have conducted on the dynamic behavior of hierarchical fibrous materials, using vertically aligned carbon nanotubes as a model material. I hope these will be useful to those who are interested in buckle-instabilities, multiscale behavior, and energy absorption mechanisms.

An overview:

PhD in Biomaterials for Aerospace Composites

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship at the University of Manchester to help develop the next generation of simulation tools. These will be used to evaluate the structural integrity of novel aerospace composites under a wide range of operational conditions.

Yuli Chen's picture

A novel self-locked energy absorbing system  Metallic thin-walled round tubes are widely used as energy absorption elements.  However, lateral splash of the round tubes under impact loadings reduces the energy absorption efficiency and may cause secondary damages.  Therefore, it is necessary to assemble and fasten round tubes together by boundary constraints and/or fasteners between tubes, which increases the time and labor cost and affects the mechanical performance

Iriene Elok's picture

Error about Degree of Freedom 11 in Abaqus

Hi friends, I'm new here and also new using abaqus.

I need to do my final project about bird strike analysis using abaqus. But for now, I try to follow the tutorial from youtube about impact bullet first. For some trial sometimes i found errors and never succeed to solve it. Included the impact bullet trial. This is what i've got:


Degree of freedom 11 and at least one of degrees of freedom 1 thru 6 must be active in the model for *dynamic temp-disp. Check the procedure and element types used in this model.


drgaurav's picture

call for abstracts - Composite Armor and Ballistic Impact/Failure Dynamics

Dear colleagues,

I am organizing sessions related to “Composite Armor” and “Impact Dynamics” at the following conferences in 2014. I would like to personally invite you and your research group to submit an abstract.

ANSYS , LS-DYNA: simulation of full penetration impact

there any one here who could help me through the step-by-step creating and analyzing
a 3D simulation of ballistic, full penetration impact of a steel, rigid
projectile into the 3D composite plate?

note1: as i know,
available HASHIN damage model in ABAQUS isn't an appropriate tool to do
that. because it has an important restriction that confined you in the
"2D" damage analysis of composites and using 2D planar elements only.

CliveSiviour's picture

Doctoral Studentship in high strain rate properties of Nickel Alloys

The Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University has recently obtained an iCASE studentship funded by EPSRC and Rolls-Royce plc to perform research into the mechanical behaviour of metals at high temperatures and high strain rates. The studentship provides full funding (fees and stipend) at the home / EU level for 3.5 years.

Ettore Barbieri's picture

DPhil Studentship at University of Oxford - funded by Rolls-Royce

Dear All,

we have a DPhil studentship available in the Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Group, within the Impact Engineering Laboratory led by Prof Nik Petrinic.

Simulation of composite delamination caused by impact

Hi All,

While using LS-DYNA to simulate the impact damage of composites, I have a question about modeling.

I plan to create the model by solid element. Each ply has one element in the thickness direction. The contact between plies is *contact_automatic_surface_to_surface_tiebreak. My question is how to create separate ply models while using this contact. It is clear that common nodes are not allowed. So there might be two possibilities.

jason Zhu's picture

New paper on impact behaviour of GLARE(Fibre-metal Laminates) is available on line.

Dear all, 

 A paper on the Low-Velocity Impact Response and failure characteriztion of Fibre-Metal Laminates – Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, has been issued by

Composites Science and Technology

error in lsprepost file

Hi there,


I'm using LS-DYNA as a tool in my study. Currently, i'm facing this problem:


Run-time check failure#3 - the variable 'count_ntime' is being used without being initialized me...I've done so many new models, yet the same error keep occurring...




p/s: i can be reached by this e-mail: 

International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials IX, 16-21 September 2012

Register today to book your place at this prestigious conference, which has attracted over 290 abstracts. This is a significant opportunity for you to join leading researchers to exchange and discuss new ideas and findings.

Tissue strain-rate independence

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

I have two basic questions for the experts in the soft tissue biomechanics community. 

a) I am interested in the biomechanics of a specific tendon in a specific high-speed deformation. How plausible is it for me to assume strain-rate independence, and therefore, the existence of a strain energy function? In other words, how accurate is the assumption of pseudoelasticity for tendons under high strain-rate? I feel comfortable with the assumption (evidence would help a lot, however) for tissues such as mesentery, skin and, I guess, even muscle. 

v.tagarielli's picture

PhD opportunities @ Oxford (for EU / UK nationals)

Dear iMechanica commmunity,

we are looking for 3 PhD students at Oxford, starting from the 1st of October 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. The closing date for the application is the 26th of July. The 3 students are required for two different research projects, namely:


1) Underwater blast on composite structures - open only to EU nationals; 2 PhD students are required. The studentships are advertised here


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