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Postdoctoral vacancy (36 months) on patient-specific design and finite element modelling of 3D printed medical implants

3D printing or Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies carry the promise of revolutionizing the quality and efficiency of healthcare. However, the required technologies, even when available, are currently too fragmented to be integrated into routine, affordable and streamlined solutions that can benefit a large number of patients. The challenge thereby is to deliver 3D printing technologies that enable:

Convert pressure (Surface load) to nodal force

Dear all,

Currently, I have a FE mesh and want to apply pressure load on part of the surface.  Anybody has suggestions on how to convert the pressure load to nodal force theoretically and numerically?

Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you very much.

v.tagarielli's picture

blast in deep water


Dear all,
I am proud to present to i-mechanicians some recent work by my student Andreas Schiffer. We provide a new experimental technique and detailed analytical models to explore one-dimensional underwater blast problems in deep water.
Schiffer et al, 2012, The Response of Rigid Plates to Deep Water Blast: Analytical Models and Finite Element Predictions, J. App. Mech

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