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# Finite Element modeling

Pai Wang's picture

New tenure-track/tenure faculty position in Computational Solid Mechanics

 Assistant/Associate/Professor in Computational Solid Mechanics    Please let your students/postdoc/friends/colleagues/collaborators know if they might be interested  

cdfoster's picture

PhD position in Civil Engineering at University of Illinois at Chicago

I am seeking a PhD student preferably starting January 2023, at University of Illinois at Chicago. Must be a US citizen or permanent resident (or, in some cases, working toward permanent residency). There are several professors in the department working on related projects in civil infrastructure. The project for which I am recruiting involves finite element or numerical analysis of infrastructure. There is some flexibility in defining the project.

mmalekan's picture

Assistant/Associate Professor in Solid Mechanics

SDU Mechatronics and the Centre of Industrial Mechanics, part of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark whihc is located in beautiful Sønderborg campus, invites applications a position as assistant/associate professor in mechanical engineering with experience in the following fields: Composite materials, Failure of materials, Finite element methods, and Plasticity.

Starting date is negotiable, preferably before Feb. 2023.

PhD Position on Sheet metal forming modeling

The Center for Material Forming (Cemef) at Mines Paris (PSL University) is looking for a candidate for a PhD position on the computational modeling of sheet metal forming.

The project focuses on remeshing strategies for localized strain phenomena in automobile applications.

The industrial partner is for the moment undisclosed.

Interested applicants can send a resume to


cbrinson's picture

New AI + Metamaterials postdoc position

We are seeking a creative and enthusiastic postdoc to work at Duke University as part of a collaborative DOE funded project entitled "FAIR Data and Interpretable AI Framework for Architectured Metamaterials". Candidate should have phd in mechanical or materials engineering, with experience in mechanical metamaterials, the underlying physical principles, finite element simulations, and preferably some knowledge of AI/ML and desire to learn more.

Farid Alisafaei's picture

PhD Positions at NJIT

We have Ph.D. positions in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) with a primary focus on the mechanobiology of cells and tissues. We are looking for candidates with a background in solid and fluid mechanics to work in a collaborative environment. Our research develops integrated computational and experimental tools to understand and harness the role of mechanics in physiological processes such as wound healing, and pathological processes such as fibrocontractile diseases and tumor progression.

Kmomeni's picture

Postdoctoral Position - Multiscale Mechanics and Materials

An immediate postdoctoral associate position with a tentative start date of Jan 15 is available in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at the University of Alabama with Prof. Kasra Momeni on multiscale modeling materials and processes. This project aims to develop multiscale models of alloys under extreme conditions, such as radiation, heat, and stresses, to develop new alloys.

Kmomeni's picture

Postdoctoral Position - Multiscale Mechanics and Materials

An immediate postdoctoral associate position is available in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at the University of Alabama with Prof. Kasra Momeni on multiscale modeling of materials and processes. The goal of this project is to develop multiscale models of alloys under extreme conditions, such as radiation, heat, and stresses, to develop new alloys.  The postdoctoral researcher will lead several projects on the material design using various techniques, such as molecular dynamics, phase-field, and CALPHAD.

Farid Alisafaei's picture

PhD Positions in Mechanobiology at NJIT

We have Ph.D. positions in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) with a primary focus on the mechanobiology of cells and tissues. We are looking for candidates with a background in solid and fluid mechanics to work in a collaborative environment. Our research develops integrated computational and experimental tools to understand and harness the role of mechanics in physiological processes such as wound healing, and pathological processes such as fibrocontractile diseases and tumor progression.

likask's picture

MoFEM: School on Advanced Topics in Computational Mechanics (UKACM 2021)

Our presentations at the School on Advanced Topics in Computational Mechanics (part of the UK Association of Computational Mechanics 2021 Conference) are now available on the MoFEM YouTube channel (link).

cbrinson's picture

New AI + Metamaterials postdoc position

We are seeking a creative and enthusiastic postdoc to work at Duke University as part of a collaborative new DOE funded project entitled "FAIR Data and Interpretable AI Framework for Architectured Metamaterials". Candidate should have phd in mechanical or materials engineering, with experience in mechanical metamaterials, the underlying physical principles, finite element simulations, and preferably some knowledge of AI/ML and desire to learn more.

Two funded PhD positions at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.


We have two funded PhD positions and we are looking for talented, self-motivated, and enthusiastic students with a BSc or MSc degree in mechanical or materials engineering. Students with strong background in crystal plasticity and computational mechanics are recommended to apply.


A funded PhD position: University of Western Ontario, Canada


We are looking for a talented, self-motivated, and enthusiastic student with a BSc or MSc degree in mechanical or materials engineering. Students with strong background in crystal plasticity and computational mechanics are recommended to apply.


Kmomeni's picture

3 Ph.D. Positions in Multiscale Mechanics and Materials

Three fully supported Ph.D. positions are open immediately in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Labat the University of Alabama on multiscale modeling of materials and processes. The research directions are in the following fields:

1.     Additive Manufacturing (1 position): The goal of this project is to model the additive manufacturing process and to develop new alloys for additive manufacturing.

Kmomeni's picture

A Postdoc Position in Multiscale Mechanics and Materials

An immediate postdoc position is open in Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at the University of Alabama on multiscale modeling of materials and processes.


Eral Bele's picture

PhD Studentship in Mechanics of Materials at University College London

A PhD studentship is available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University College London, on the topic of "Detection and Identification of Damage in Composite Fibre/Metal Laminate Structures Using Guided Ultrasonic Waves". It is fully funded (fees + stipend) for UK citizens and EU citizens with UK residency (fees only for international students).

The academic group at UCL has an internationally leading profile and an exceptional publication record, and this project will provide numerous opportunities for high-profile publications and conference presentations. The project involves considerable interaction with other members of the research group, which has a very open, co-operative and friendly culture. The UCL laboratories are very well resourced with equipment, computers, consumables and all that is needed to perform research at the highest standard. The aim is to provide the best conditions for world-leading research.

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Generalised boundary conditions for hydrogen transport at crack tips

Dear iMechanicians,

I hope the present work is of interest to you. We present a new formulation for resolving the electrochemical-diffusion interface in hydrogen embrittlement modelling 

E. Martínez-Pañeda, A. Díaz, L. Wright, A. Turnbull

Generalised boundary conditions for hydrogen transport at crack tips

Corrosion Science 173, 108698 (2020)

Pai Wang's picture

Accepting applications to fully funded MS or PhD starting in 2021

We are looking for candidates to join the Utah Waves and Architected Materials Group ( We have fully funded openings for undergrads, MS and PhD. Both full-time and part-time researchers are needed.

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Phase field fracture modelling using quasi-Newton methods and a new adaptive step scheme

Dear iMechanicians,

I hope this paper is of interest to you. We show that quasi-Newton methods make monolithic phase field fracture implementations very robust. Convergence and computations times orders of magnitude smaller than the usual staggered approaches are demonstrated in complex problems such as unstable cracking, fatigue or dynamic crack branching.

Kmomeni's picture

PhD Position in Multiscale Modeling of Materials

An immediate Ph.D. position is available in the Advanced Hierarchical Materials by Design Lab at Louisiana Tech University on multiscale modeling of materials synthesis. The candidates must have earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or related fields (applicants with an MSc will be given priority) and have a solid background in theoretical and computational mechanics. Having knowledge of continuum mechanics, finite element modeling, and a programming language is a plus. 


Parag Tandaiya's picture

On the mechanism and the length scales involved in the ductile fracture of a bulk metallic glass

A few years ago we published a paper in Acta Materialia elucidating the mechanism and length scales in the ductile fracture of bulk metallic glass through experiments and finite element simulations.

The link to the paper is here: 'On the mechanism and the length scales involved in the ductile fracture of a bulk metallic glass'.

I hope you enjoy reading the paper and find it useful in your research.


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