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August 16 - Free Webinar: Tips and Tricks on making the most of Abaqus/CAE Online

To all,

There is a free webinar on Abaqus CAE. It is quite useful to those who do not have any experience with Abaqus/CAE, and would like to learn it. Check the link below for more information.

Teaching FEM to Biologists/Medics


Could anyone recommend courses, online materials or text books that
would be suitable for teaching the finite element method to someone with
a non-engineering background. This request is on behalf of an MD
student wishing to use the FEM for modelling the wrist. We're initially
looking for introductory materials.

Best regards


Mike Ciavarella's picture

Some example videos of my new YouTube channel course "Mechanics of Materials" (italian)

Given the success of my facebook course Mechanics of Materials MMCM see here, we had so many videos and photos, that I suggested the students to create a Youtube channel.   Here it is, with many videos based on powerpoint presentations I had from my course, and that of collegues in Torino (Masssimo Rossetto), or some conferences presentations, which the students transformed into videos.  Thanks in particular to Mariella Greco, and Simone Legari.

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