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applied mathematics

Assistant Professor (tenure track) / Associate Professor at the Section of Mechanical Engineering at Aarhus University

The Department of Engineering at Aarhus University has a number of open positions as Assistant Professor (tenure track) or Associate Professor at the Section of Mechanical Engineering. The University seeks innovative and visionary engineers/researchers capable of developing the research and teaching in Mechanical Engineering.

The positions are available from February 1, 2021 or as soon as possible hereafter.

mattia.bacca's picture

1 Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Cell Mechanics @ University of British Columbia, Vancouver - Canada

1 postdoctoral position is open for a multidisciplinary project related to the mechanics of the cytoskeleton and the adhesion of cells on collagen substrates. The position is in co-supervision with Prof. Mattia Bacca and Prof. Gwynn Elfring in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UBC, Vancouver – Canada. It is carried on in collaboration with the BC Cancer Research Center and the Biomedical Research Center at UBC.

Postdoc in Micromagnetics at Aarhus University

Candidates with a strong background in micromagnetics are invited for a 1-year postdoctoral position. The position may be extended up to 6 months. The position is part of the MAGFLY project, which is focused on the development of flywheels using iron-oxide magnets. The position is theoretical/computational and focuses on the modeling and simulation of the microstructure of magnetic materials to predict macroscopic magnetic properties, in close collaboration with the experimental groups of the MAGFLY project.

Haitao Zhang's picture

Full-Time Position in Schlumberger – Modeling and Simulation Engineer

Title: Modeling and Simulation Engineer
Category: Full-time position in industry
Employer: Schlumberger Technology Corporation
Location: United States, Texas, Sugar Land
Opening Date: 08/01/2019

To apply, please submit your resume and a list of 3 references to


Haitao Zhang's picture

Full-Time Position in Schlumberger – Modeling and Simulation Engineer


Schlumberger has an opening in Sugar Land, Texas for a Modeling and Simulation Engineer. The Modeling and Simulation Engineer will be responsible for developing digital representations (or twins) of physical assets or processes to produce business outcomes. You will need to work seamlessly with a multidisciplinary team and present project progress to various internal and external clients.



Haitao Zhang's picture

Full-Time Position in Schlumberger – Modeling and Simulation Engineer

Title: Modeling and Simulation Engineer

Category: Full-time position in industry

Employer: Schlumberger Technology Corporation

Location: United States, Texas, Sugar Land

Opening Date: 8/1/2018


Job Description

Haitao Zhang's picture

Full-Time Position in Schlumberger – Modeling and Simulation Engineer


Title: Modeling and Simulation Engineer

Category: Full-time position in industry

Employer: Schlumberger Technology Corporation

Location: United States, Texas, Sugar Land

Opening Date: 12/01/2017


Job Description

Georges Limbert's picture

Fully-funded PhD position in Computational Mechanics [#1] for EU students for September 2016, University of Southampton, UK

PhD project 1 (Reference: NGCM-0011)


Generalised asymptotic numerical methods for buckling instability problems in biological systems and bio-inspired morphing structures

Biotribology Group, nCATS
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment
University of Southampton, United Kingdom



Lecturer in Computational Mechanics, Cardiff School of Engineering

Looking for a PhD student

I am a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am looking for a PhD student to work in the area of applied mathematics, specifically in solid mechanics (linear elasticity, complex variable methods, boundary integral equation methods) with a possible start date of Sept 2012 or jan 2013.

You can find out more details at:

goriely's picture

Three Postdoctoral positions at the University of Oxford: Brain modelling, soft-tissues, and water filtration

The Mathematical Institute at Oxford is advertising three post-doctoral positions within the Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics for(ideally) a 1st April 2011 start. The project titles (with links for more information) are:

1. Brain Mechanics, Cortex Folding, and Pattern Formation in Growing Tissues.

goriely's picture

Postdoctoral position at the University of Oxford: Hierarchical scaling, structure, and mechanics of filamentary assemblies

A two-year postdoctoral position is available at the Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics (OCCAM) to work with myself on the mechanical and geometrical analysis of filament assemblies with application to biological systems. Details and Further Particulars can be found at

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