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cell mechanics

Journal Club for October 2021: Mechanobiology and Mechanomedicine: tuning the tension in the life


Mechanobiology and Mechanomedicine: tuning the tension in the life


Baohua Ji (

Department of Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027



Luca-Deseri's picture

Mechanotropism of single cells adhering to elastic substrates subject to exogenous forces

Adherent cells are able to actively generate internal forces, channeled by cytoskeletal protein filaments and transmitted through transmembrane receptors to the surrounding environment by means of focal adhesions.

mattia.bacca's picture

PhD opening on Mechanics of Bio-adhesion and Mechanobiology @ University of British Columbia, Vancouver (BC, Canada) - Mechanical Engineering

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work on Computational Solid Mechanics, with focus on Cell Adhesion and Mechanobiology. The project is in collaboration with experimental biologists and biophysicists located at UBC and other international laboratories. It will involve the use analytical tools in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (e.g. Statistical Mechanics), and computational tools such as Finite Element Analysis. The goal will be to derive important scaling laws to understand the mechanical behavior of Biological Cells under different processes such as Motility, Differentiation and Mitosis.

mattia.bacca's picture

PhD opening on Mechanics of Bio-adhesion and Mechanobiology @ UBC, Vancouver -Canada

We are looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student to work on Multiscale Mechanics of Materials, with a focus on Cell Adhesion and Mechanobiology.

Cell Mechanics Postdoc Position Available in the Franck Lab at Wisconsin

Postdoc Position Available in the Franck Lab


Effective Sept 1, I am looking to fill 1-2 postdoc position in the general area of 3D cell mechanics. 

Candidates should have a strong background in solid mechanics, preferably experimental, with an interest in learning innovative techniques in experimental mechanics including digital volume correlation, 3D Traction Force Microscopy, 3D confocal, multiphoton and Super resolution imaging. 



emadmoeen1's picture

Multidisciplinary Cancer Research UK 4-year PhD Studentship

We are seeking an outstanding PhD candidate to join Mechanics in Biology and Medicine laboratory ( as part of a multidisciplinary collaborative project between Dr Emad Moeendarbary at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (University College London, UCL) and Dr Fernando Calvo at the Division of Cancer Biology (Institute of Cancer Research, London).

ruogang zhao's picture

Postdoctoral position in mechanobiology, Buffalo, New York

One postdoctoral position will be available in Fall, 2015 in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY). The research area will focus on using bio-MEMS techniques to create novel cell culture platforms for cell mechanics and mechanobiological studies. Projects may involve studies of the fibrosis diseases, cancer invasion and stem cell differentiation. Some research topics can be found on our website at

azadpoor's picture

Call for abstracts and special issue papers: Computational mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials

We would be pleased to have a contribution from you or from one of the members of your group among the presentations of the symposium entitled
organized within the joint World Congress on Computational Mechanics and European Conference on Computational Mechanics ( )
to be held on 20-25 July 2014 in Barcelona (Spain).

Living cells behave as fluid-filled sponges

Animal cells behave like fluid-filled sponges in response to being mechanically deformed according to new research published in Nature Materials.

Scientists from the London Centre for Nanotechnology at UCL have shown that animal cells behave according to the theory of ‘poroelasticity’ when mechanically stimulated in a way similar to that experienced in organs within the body. The results indicate that the rate of cell deformation in response to mechanical stress is limited by how quickly water can redistribute within the cell interior.

Konstantin Volokh's picture

On Tensegrity in Cell Mechanics

All models are wrong, but some are useful. This famous saying mirrors the situation in cell mechanics as well. It looks like no particular model of the cell deformability can be unconditionally preferred over others and different models reveal different aspects of the mechanical behavior of living cells. The purpose of the present work is to discuss the so-called tensegrity models of the cell cytoskeleton. It seems that the role of the cytoskeleton in the overall mechanical response of the cell was not appreciated until Donald Ingber put a strong emphasis on it.

Tian Zhi Luo's picture

2011 International Dictyostelium Conference, August 14-18, Baltimore, MD USA

The annual International Dictyostelium Conference will be held in Baltimore, MD USA from August 14 to 18. Dictyostelium has been extensively used as a model organism for the study of cell mechanics, motility, chemotaxis, cell division and other biological events that involve cell shape change and the mechanical behaviors of cells. In this coming meeting, there will be 70 oral presentations and 100 posters covering above topics.


Simple Cell Traction Force Script for Elastic Micropatterned Substrata

Hi readers, 

 This is MATLAB code that was written by myself and collaborators that we've sought to make available to the wider research community. The program is intended to track the displacements of micropatterned dots on a substrate in a similar manner to that performed by  Maloney et al. in "Influence of Finite Thickness on cellular adhesion-induced deformation of an compliant substrata". Physical Review E. 2008.

Chris W Smith's picture

Chair in Cell Mechanics

Chair in Cell Mechanics, University of Exeter

The University of Exeter
is significantly expanding its capacity in Science and Engineering, with 275 million
GBP (approx 440M USD) capital spend on campus and 80M GBP (130M USD) on new academic staff.

The university seeks to employ two new chairs in i) cell mechanics and ii) physical cell biology. Research areas of interest for the chair in cell mechanics might include computational fluid or solid mechanics.

Chris W Smith's picture

New Chairs at University of Exeter

The University of Exeter will shortly announce several new chairs it is seeking to fill.

The chairs are full tenured chairs and in the following areas -

Cell Mechanics (two chairs, one nominally experimental and one nominally theoretical).

Structural Dynamics, possibly with an aerospace flavour.

If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact me ( for an informal discussion.


Chris Smith


Postdoc in Physical Chemistry for Cell Mechanics at University of Mons

A postdoctoral position is available for a highly
motivated candidate to study the physical principles of cell motility in the
Biophysics Group of the Interfaces & Complex Fluids Lab at the University
of Mons in collaboration with the Bio- and Soft Matter Group of the Institute
of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences at the Université catholique de Louvain.

Tian Zhi Luo's picture

A new book chapter of the role of the actin cytoskeleton in mechanosensation

We wrote a book chapter about the role of the actin cytoskeleton in mechanosensation. The book title is Mechanosensitivity and Mechanotransduction, edited by A, Kamkin and I. Kiseleva and published by Springer-Verlag, New York.". 

In this chapter, we try to integrate mechanics, materials science, biophysics and biology together to give a most updated view of this field. We also want to introduce the feedback loop concept to mechanicians who are interested in studying biological systems.

I attached the pdf version and the follwoing is the subtitles of the chapter. 

Fluid-structure Interaction in Cell Mechanics

We present an application of fluid-structure interaction analysis to the mechanics of red blood cells. For more information see the following link:

Please recall that we offer a special academic package, for research and teaching, for university users. For more information see:


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