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shape memory

Chris Yakacki's picture

Journal Club: Overcoming Challenges in Mechanically Actuating Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers

Smart materials are designed to have a controlled response to external stimuli. Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) are one of the most well known classes of mechanically active smart materials and have experienced an incredible amount of research attention over the last decade. They are able to recover programmed deformations when heated above a thermal transition; however, are generally considered a one-time event. Liquid-crystalline elastomers (LCEs) are another class of actively moving polymers; however, these materials can demonstrate reversible and repeatable shape memory without the need for “re-programming” after each actuation cycle.

Temperature–pressure-induced solid–solid 〈100〉 to 〈110〉 reorientation in FCC metallic nanowire

 I would like to share our recent research work on FCC metallic nanowires, which is published in Journal of Physics : Condensed Matters (IOP) . The abstract of the paper is given below. Further details can be found at

Vijay Kumar Sutrakar et al 2012 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 015401 



Post-doctoral position at Univ. Pittsburgh: Reversibly-morphing surfaces

A post-doctoral position is available in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering at the
University of Pittsburgh to conduct experimental research on developing
"morphing surfaces" that change topology by developing features such
as bumps, folds, spikes, etc. The post-doctoral fellow will develop (1)
surfaces that undergo a change in topology in response to applied stimuli, (2)
methods to control the shape and location of the morphing features on the
surface, and (3) quantitative or heuristic models to guide the design of
texture-changing surfaces.

Stress-induced phase transformation and pseudo-elastic/pseudo-plastic recovery in intermetallic Ni–Al nanowires

Dear friends,

I want to share our recent research work on NiAl nanowire, which is published in Nanotechnology, IOP publishing. The abstract of the paper is given below. Further details can be found at "Vijay Kumar Sutrakar et al 2009 Nanotechnology 20 295705 (9pp)   doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/29/295705"


Carl Frick's picture

Looking for a PhD student

A Ph.D. position has recently become available in my research group (, to explore thermo-mechanical
behavior of shape memory polymers for biomedical applications.  A
strong candidate with a M.S. or B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering,
Materials Science, or a related discipline is required.  A good
academic record, a clear interest in experimental sciences, and an
enthusiasm to conduct outstanding research are the only prerequisites.

Active Materials for Medical Devices

In conjunction with the 2nd International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC 2009


Harold S. Park's picture

Deformation of FCC Nanowires by Twinning and Slip

We present atomistic simulations of the tensile and compressive loading of single crystal FCC nanowires with <100> and <110> orientations to study the propensity of the nanowires to deform via twinning or slip.  By studying the deformation characteristics of three FCC materials with disparate stacking fault energies (gold, copper and nickel), we find that the deformation mechanisms in

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