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Explicit algorithm

Explicit vs. implicit FDM: Could you please suggest a reference?

The context is the finite difference modeling (FDM) of the transient diffusion equation (the linear one: $\dfrac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \alpha \dfrac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2}$).

Two approaches are available for modeling the evolution of $T$ in time: (i) explicit and (ii) implicit (e.g., the Crank-Nicolson method).

It was obvious to me that the explicit approach has a local (or compact) support whereas the implicit approach has a global support.

tuhinsinha.25's picture

Determining multiple contact pairs in Abaqus explicit


I want to know that is there a novel way of defining several two dimensional contact pairs in Abaqus/Explicit. I know that abaqus has the capability of defining a general contact but it is restricted only to Abaqus standard and 3D Abaqus explicit problems. 

I have a 2D plane strain problem where I have to specify more than 1000 contact pairs in the assembly between similar instances of the same part. Is there a fortran subroutine that could be used to determine so many contact pairs?




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