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Generalized Continua

Lorenzo Bardella's picture

Abstract submission open for mini-symposium "Micromechanics-based Nonlocal Continuum Models" at ESMC 2018, Bologna, Italy

Micromechanics-based Nonlocal Continuum Models organised by Lorenzo Bardella (University of Brescia) and Samuel Forest (Mines ParisTech CNRS)  Submission deadline: November 15th, 2017  Nowadays, problems involving more physics and more length and time scales have become very relevant in engineering applications. Theoretical frameworks limited to conventional continua are often inadequate to model such problems.

Justin Dirrenberger's picture

Postdoc position in Paris on generalized continua modelling and experiments


A postdoctoral fellowship is available at Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech) to work on generalized continua modeling.

arash_yavari's picture

Balance Laws in Continua with Microstructure

This paper revisits continua with microstructure from a geometric point of view. We model a structured continuum as a triplet of Riemannian manifolds: a material manifold, the ambient space manifold of material particles and a director field manifold. Green-Naghdi-Rivlin theorem and its extensions for structured continua are critically reviewed.

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