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Postdoc research associate and PhD student positions available

One postdoc and several PhD student positions are available at Clarkson University. Research background in at least one of the following areas is preferred.

1. Fatigue and fracture of materials and structures, computational mechanics and numerical methods

2. Probabilistic methods, Bayesian statistics, reliability and risk assesment 

3. Structural dynamics, health monitoring, signal processing, system identification

Haitao Zhang's picture

Internship available in FEA of crack growth

Title: Structural FEA Intern 

Employer: Schlumberger Technology Corporation

Location: Sugar Land, TX, USA

Starting Date: 01/01/2011 

S. Beretta's picture

Research assistant and PhD position at PoliMi on corrosion-fatigue

Raiway axle failures have been the starting point for the studies on fatigue. However, recent accidents and papers (see [1] by Hoddinott) have shown that corrosion-fatigue plays a significant role.

At PoliMi we have recently investigated this topic finding interesting results by corrosion-fatigue tests on small-scale specimens and, recently, a validation of the model by full-scale corrosion-fatigue tests (see papers [2-3]).

Dr. Rahul Chhibber's picture



I welcome and encourage all my fellow imechanicians to participate in the international conference being organised at Thapar university patiala,  punjab, india during november 2010.

The details regarding the conference and research paper format are attached.

for further queries log on to, or or email at

Rahul Chhibber

Steffen Brinckmann's picture

PhD student or Postdoc position in Multiscale Modelling

Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS) is
a new research centre at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. At
ICAMS an interdisciplinary team of scientists from engineering,
materials science, chemistry, physics and mathematics is working on
the development and application of a new generation of simulation
tools for multi-scale materials modelling.

anuradha's picture

Experimental data showing effect of stress state

While there is a lot of experimental literature available on the effects of stress-state on ductile failure under monotonic loading, corresponding studies on fatigue mostly involves bending and torsion type of combination loading. Unfortunately, such a loading corresponds to one of the principal stresses being negative and therefore not as critical. We could find only two references which show clear effect of biaxial state of stress in a pressurised cylinder subject to additional axial load (Biaxial-tension fatigue of inconel 718, it is a report in UIUC 1989).

Mike Ciavarella's picture


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Surface Roughness Modelling

My research objective is to import surface roughness (topography) data obtained from metrology instrument (in txt form) and to build a finite element model from this. can anyone has same experience as that of mine n can help me in this regard. do someone has matlab m-file to do this and can send me???



thanks in advance

Henry Tan's picture

Subsea Integrity

I am teaching Subsea Integrity for the MSc students majoring in Subsea Engineering at the School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen. This is a course that combines the fundamental principles (corrosion, fracture, fatigue and material selection) with the industry applications (subsea integrity management and implementation, cathodic protection, case studies on subsea reliability and engineering assurance).


Teaching time schedule

New idea in fatigue problems

there are two analytical concepts that are very important in fatigue failure.the first one is crack closure and the others is residual stress .the first one is in behind of crack and the other emphasis in the front of crack tip. the question is if we use some devices such as AFM/SEM is it possible we model the energy filed during fatigue process?   if this idea can be investigated the second question can be asked: is there any similarity to model for different loading conditions? 


I appreciate if you also put your comment in my idea?


Bes Regards,

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Euromech workshop on Multiscale effects in Fatigue, July 7-9, 2010 at the Ecole Polytechnique

Dear Collegue

We are organising in July 7-9, 2010 an Euromech workshop on Multiscale
effects in Fatigue, at the Ecole Polytechnique, near Paris in France.
Outcomes and topics are detailed on the following web site:

Publicly-available fatigue test data

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Can anyone help point me to publicly-available fatigue or fracture test data? I am interested in obtaining a variety of data for statistical processing. It seems many authors have used the data collected by Virkler and Hillberry which seems to be widely used, but I have not found raw data for their tests so far; is this data available somewhere for me to use? Any help is very appreciated.

Fatigue analysis in ANSYS claasic environment !!

Hello ANSYS  users,


I am having hard time ANSYS's documentation for fatigue analysis in claasic environment. Tutorials available on internet talk bat ansys workbench only. Has anyone done fatigue analysis in ANSYS claasic? If yes, is there any source for tutorials ?




PhD thesis Evaluation


one of my students is working on PhD topic " Study of cold hole expansion and evaluation of fatigue properties on critical aerospace components". His work has to be reviewed by professor of non indian origin in foreign universities. I request you to kindly help this student. If you are interested, let me know, so that I will ask my university to contact you in this regard.



Stress/Strain calculation


what do think why investigators await about 3 decades to calculation of local stress/strain by elastic-plastic fracture mechanics?and basically why elber's discovery[crack closure] was so important and play a key role in numerous articles?

How can i calcualtion the amount of load transfer through the contacting crack faces?

How can i determine the location of it?


Thank you


how can i measure local stress and strain in fatigue crack tip?

It seems that the measurment of local stress and strain in fatigue crack tip will be difficult. some researcher use F.E analysis method,in contrary using of numerical solution. however analytical method also has investigated. what method you can imagine? i need a brain storm in this issue.


Thank you


how to start a research

hi all,

 I am a mechanical engineer currently pursuing Master degree (Post graduation). Ultimately i also want to pursue a research leading to PhD after my master's. Its my burning desire to do some significant research in the field of Fatigue analysis using Fracture mechanics approach preferably for aerospace domain using advanced CAE softwares like Nasgrow, Afgrow, Abaqus, FE-safe, MSC Fatigue, etc,..

wvmars's picture

European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber - ECCMR VI

ECCMR 2009 - Sixth European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber

Held at TU Dresden, Germany, September 7-10, 2009.

Xiao-Yan Gong's picture

Fatigue to Fracture - paper in print

This article will appear in Journal of ASTM International.  I hope you find it useful.

Xiao-Yan Gong, President, medical implant mechanics LLC


Material model for high cycle fatigue

In fatigue analysis, it is common to use S-N curve from database for spesific material, and some time for spesific way of loading. Is there any way to predict fatigue from direct simulation? For example, giving cyclic loading (10^5 times) and the material will suffer damage and eventually failed. In some FEM codes (MARC, LSDYNA, etc) there is Lemaitre-Chaboche model used to analyze material behavior under low cycle cyclic loading.

 Thanks in advance

Fatigue life calculation - reporting stress

For fatigue life estimation (HCF & LCF), I am not sure which stress shall I consider i.e. max. principal stress or von Mises stress & what should be the criteria for selection of the same? Shall we be driven by material model (i.e. ductile or brittle) or mode of failure or some thing else?

Dean Eastbury's picture

7th IC Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials - just over 2 weeks to go!

The 7th International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials will be held in Hyannis, Mass., USA, 14-19 September. Hyannis is situated 80 mi/130 km from Boston's Logan International Airport and is easily reached either by car or by public transport.

The full oral and poster programs, as well as registration details can be found on the conference website at


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