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#-D Modelling of COmposite Laminates

Sandwich plates using Higher order theories


While modeling laminated composites we use their material properties (stiffness matrix) to compute the ABD matrix. When E_z of the core is much higher than E_x and E_y, how can we model such a plate using 2D FEM?

jlcurie's picture

PhD scholarship: Predicting delamination damage in the machining of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composites

Start Date: 1st September 2016

Duration: 4 years

Stipend: Tax free stipend of £18,000 per year, plus all tuition fees paid at UK/EU rates. 

Supervisors: Dr Jose Curiel-Sosa (Dept of Mechanical Engineering), Dr Kevin Kerrigan and Dr Vaibhav Phadnis (Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre).

Applications deadline: 7th December 2015.

Project Description

hpiitp's picture

Doctoral Position in Mechanical Eengineering (Computational) at Shiv Nadar University

We have open PhD position starting in Spring semester 2016 at the Shiv Nadar University. If any one highly motivated to start research carrer in multidisciplinary research field, please have visit of university webpage (  to get relevant information.

3--D Modelling of Composite Laminates

HI, Friends,

 I am trying to model COmposite laminate plate for uniaxial tension,3-D model, 12 layers,symmteric and balanced laminates, and solid46 elements used.

 I wanted to know, after creating and meshing with quadratic elements, for all layers and placed face to face with other. How to connect them? Right now I am using "NUMMRG,node" but there are some problem in the results.

 Please help to use any command that weill better help and give me correct results.

 Please reply as sson as you can.


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