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Material Model

Gouse's picture

Fatigue models for short fibre reinforced composites


I am working on short glass fibre reinforced composites.

Is there a material model which can predict the fatigue behaviour of the composite structure at high temperature.

Thank you



PingZhou's picture

what's the detail reasons that one material model can only suitable for some specific (not all) element formulation in LS-DYNA?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

it's a basic problem. In LS-DYNA, with explicit or implicit method, one material model is only suitable for some element formulations/types, but not for all element types. There must be many deep reasons and some aspects to be considered.

why element formulation can not independent on material model?

could you tell me some detailed deep reasons or links about this? thanks!

Two PhD positions available at the University of Auckland, NZ

There are a couple of funded PhD positions available at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.


The topics are, roughly, 

1) Advanced material models and variability

2) Biomimetic sensing and adhesion.


The deadline for applications is Friday, October 29, 2010.  Please send a current CV, a statement of purpose, and transcripts/grades from your undergraduate work (and master's work if you have a master's degree in a related field).


Mixture Material Model in DEFORM 3D

Hi all,

I would like to model the transformation of austenite to bainite and martensite in the simulation software DEFORM 3D.

I am not so much confident with the core metallurgical concepts. I would like to know, if some one has experience in creating a material  model using mixture method in DEFORM 3D.

Would like to hear from you.

With Best Regards


Good substitute for cowper-symonds in Abaqus

Hi all,        I want to capture strain-rate behaviour of materials but unfortunately abaqus does not have Cowper-Symonds which is a widely used (simple) model. However johnson-cook is to complicate for me as not much details are available in literature as i am modeling bio-materials. Is there any good substitute for Cowper-Symonds models in abaqus. Thanks.

azadpoor's picture

Sharing ABAQUS UMAT and VUMAT subroutines

I have noticed that a lot of people are using UMAT and VUMAT material model
subroutines for their researches. However, most of these subroutines do not
find their way to free code market and remain in the hands of the developers.
Therefore, a lot of wheel re-inventing has to be done by other people. Since
development and testing of a material subroutine takes a damn long time, I
think it is a good idea if each of us can share the subroutines she has
developed with the others. I know that a couple of subroutines are publicly

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