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scientific machine learning

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Funded Ph.D. position on Machine Learning, Mechanical Engineering at the Michigan Tech

Funded Ph.D. position in the Department of Mechanical Engineering- Engineering Mechanics at the Michigan Technological University. Starting June/September 2023. 

Kindly forward this message to anyone who you feel might be interested in this position. 

We are looking for a self-motivated Ph.D. student to study Machine Learning enabled computational models for applications in Material Modeling and Computational Mechanics. 

Post-doctoral position at the University of Zaragoza, Spain


"Physics-informed Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Twins of Complex Systems"

PhD position in Machine Learning and Physical Simulation

At Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Italy, there are 2 PhD scholarships funded by my ERC Starting Grant ALPS - AI-based Learning for Physical Simulation. In this project, which will start next September, we aim to build algorithms that can learn physical models starting from experimental data.

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