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Applied Mechanics Division – Haythornthwaite Foundation Research Initiation Grants 2024

With funding from the Haythornthwaite Foundation, the Executive Committee (EC) of the Applied Mechanics Division (AMD) of ASME is pleased to announce the establishment of the Haythornthwaite Research Initiation Grant Program, targeting university faculty engaged in research in theoretical and applied mechanics that are at the beginning of their academic careers. Applicants must hold a tenure‐track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor at a US university on October 1, 2024, and must not be more than 5 years beyond receipt of their doctoral degree at the time the award is made. The intent of the grant is to assist with the purchase of equipment or instrumentation, fabrication of a unique apparatus, travel, or other items that serve the proposer’s research objectives. The applicant is expected to complete at least a portion of the proposed effort within one year of the award and report the results as an oral or poster presentation at the following IMECE.

This year, five awards in the amount of $20,000 each will be funded by the Foundation. Awards will be made by the AMD EC based on the evaluation of a cover page (title of the proposal, name, institution, contact information, date and institution of PhD degree) a short technical proposal (2 pages, max.), the budget, and CV (2 pages, max.). Indirect costs may not be included in the budget. Proposals will be due by September 15, 2024, 5pm EST and should be emailed as a single PDF file to Professors Glaucio Paulino <> and Samantha Daly <>. These e‐mail addresses are meant to be used for proposal submission only; there will be no reply to inquiries emailed to these addresses. 

The PDF file should be named "lastname_firstname_MM_YYYY", where the 6‐digit number "MM_YYYY" is the month and year that the applicant’s doctoral degree was awarded. The CV should also include the month and year that the doctoral degree was awarded as well as the applicant’s expected academic rank on October 1, 2024. The font size used in the technical proposal and CV should be 12. Proposals not in compliance with the above instructions may be disqualified.

The Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation supports scientific research in the field of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Robert Haythornthwaite was a founder and first President of the American Academy of Mechanics


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