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academic job search

Rong Long's picture

Department Chair Opening, Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

Dear Colleagues:  Our Department of Mechanical Engineering at CU-Boulder is seeking a dynamic and innovative leader to serve as the new Chair. We are undergoing a period of unprecedented faculty growth and expansion to match an ambitious vision of research and teaching excellence.

Reuben Govender's picture

Lecturer / professorship opportunities in Mechanical Engineering at University of Cape Town

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cape Town is seeking applicants for the following permanent academic positions:

 Solid Mechanics at the Lecturer / Senior Lecturer level :


Thermo-Fluid Mechanics at the Professor / Associate professor level: 

VitaliyVorkov's picture

What the best sites for searching PhD position?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Where are you looking for PhD opportunities?

I usually use:

jfmolinari's picture

Professor position opening in Mechanics at ETHZ

Dear Mechanicians,

please see the attached advertisement for a Professor search in Mechanics at ETH Zurich.


Yours sincerely,


Jean-Francois Molinari



Vasiliy S Znamenskiy's picture

I am looking for a research position in the field of Computational Science.

I am looking for a teaching, research or IT position in New York City or around.

Dr. Vasiliy S. Znamenskiy

Teng Li's picture

Looking for a job in academia?

Finding an academic job is like finding a perfect match. Universities advertise openings, you choose a list of places to apply. Nowadays an opening can easily attract hundreds of applicants, of which several are invited for on-campus interview. When the whole process is over, there might be a perfect match between you and a department (Congratulations!), while sometimes there is not.

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