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polymer composites

nzhang's picture

Multiple PhD openings in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Mechanics at the University of Alabama

Multiple fully funded PhD positions are available as early as Fall, 2022 in Dr. Ning Zhang’s research group at the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa). The research work will focus on the mechanical and thermal properties of structural and multifunctional materials.

The research topics include:

(1)   Polymer composites;

mbessa's picture

[Deadline: September 30, 2018] Tenure-track Assistant Professor Position @ TU Delft - Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering

Dear colleagues,

New Assistant Professor position with experimental focus on polymers or polymer matrix composites at TU Delft.

Examples of areas of interest (not in any particular order):

- polymers or polymer composites under extreme events (high strain-rates, extreme temperatures, fire, radiation, etc.)

- recycling and contributions to circular economy

amir.asadi's picture

PhD Position in Polymer composites and cellulose nanomaterials

One PhD position is available in manufacturing of polymer composites integrating cellulose nanomaterials at the department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. The start date is January 2018.


Successful candidates are expected to have

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