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computational mechanics; finite elements

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Summer Intern Position in Material Modeling- PhD students of Mechanical /Structural Enginnering

A summer internship position is available in Joint academic-industrial project between Nordisch LLC and Michigan State University. We seeks to improve the understanding of the constitutive behavior of soft materials in extreme conditions. In particular, this is important for evaluating the long-term performance of soft materials that are used as critical components in various systems.

Expansion of a function into a basis set

Consider a ``neat'' function such as what an engineer is most likely to use in his typical theory/work. Such a function would typically be: (i) defined over a single finite interval, (ii) continuous throughout, and (iii) smooth enough. In other words, the sort of a function they used when they introduced the very idea of a graph of a function to you, back in high-school. ... Feel free to add any other qualifications you like, but note them explicitly, e.g., (iv) bounded throughout, and (v) periodic.

How to mesh , a solid/ shell hemisphere , hexdominant either by sweep or mapped meshing in ANSYS APDL ?

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Can anyone guide me how to mesh solid and shell 3d hemisphere with hex dominant approach in ansys mechanical APDL?

I found no such verification manual for 3d hemispherical meshing in ansys. What method should be applied and what element should be chosen appropriately to mesh this structure?

I have attached screen shot for your understanding of my problem.

Your response will be highly appreciated.

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