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Call for Nominations for ASME's Applied Mechanics Division Awards 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We wanted to alert you for the call for nominations of the awards of the Applied Mechanics Division (AMD) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), which are due on September 15th, 2024.

The AMD seeks nominations for the awards listed below. All the awards are international. Neither the nominee nor the nominator need be a member of the ASME. However, nominators must not be active members of the respective award committees. Further descriptions of the awards are given at the following url, which also contain links for award submission:  

Each nomination should consist of a form of nomination and 4 letters of support, including the nominator’s letter, as described at

Individuals can be considered for one award at a time only. In the event of nominations for multiple awards, the first one to be received will be the one considered.

Nominations for the first 5 awards (Timoshenko, Koiter, Drucker, Caughey and Bazant) should be submitted electronically on the ASME Website (see link above). For the last 2 awards (Belytschko, Hughes), please submit a single PDF file (for each nomination) to the Applied Mechanics Division Chair, Prof. Glaucio Paulino, by email (, before September 15th, 2024.

The various available Awards are as follows:

Timoshenko Medal: The Timoshenko Medal, established in 1957, is conferred in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics. Instituted by the Applied Mechanics Division, it honors Stephen P. Timoshenko, world-renowned authority in the field, and it commemorates his contributions as author and teacher.

Warner T. Koiter Medal: The Warner T. Koiter Medal, established in 1996, is bestowed in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of solid mechanics with special emphasis on the effective blending of theoretical and applied elements of the discipline, and on a high degree of leadership in the international solid mechanics community.

Daniel C. Drucker Medal: The Daniel C. Drucker Medal, established in 1997, is conferred in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering through research, teaching, and service to the community over a substantial period.

Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Medal: The Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Medal, established in 2008 (elevated to Society level in 2020), is conferred in recognition of an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics through practice, research, teaching, and/or outstanding leadership.

Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal: The Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal was established in 2022 by the Applied Mechanics Division and recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of mechanics through research, practice, teaching and/or outstanding leadership. For details, please go to:

Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award: The Applied Mechanics Award was established in 1988 and renamed the Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award in 2008. The Award is given to an outstanding individual for significant contributions in the practice of engineering mechanics; contributions may result from innovation, research, design, leadership or education.

Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award: The Young Investigator Award was established in 1998 and renamed the Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award in 2008. The Award recognizes special achievements in Applied Mechanics for researchers who have not reached her/his 41st birthday by December 31st of the year of the awards presentation.

Warm regards,

Executive Committee of the Applied Mechanics Division


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