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Postdoc openings on Computational Mechanics and Scientific Machine Learning

nbouklas's picture

There are multiple openings for postdoc positions on the intersection of Computational Mechanics and Scientific Machine Learning in the Bouklas Lab ( in Cornell MAE.

The work will focus on automated constitutive modeling, solution of PDEs and software development.


Recent PhD graduates, or those slated to graduate in the near future, with a background that matches the openings  can apply by contacting me with a CV, a brief cover letter and their most representative publications at nbouklas at cornell dot edu.

Strong skills in mechanics, scientific computing, machine learning, numerical solution of PDEs, finite element analysis and inverse problems, or a combination of these, is required for the position.


Also, those who are interested in a postdoctoral program with entrepreneurial activities, software development and scientific machine learning for the Cornell Tech Runway program ( are also urged to contact me. 'A strong mechanics and scientific computing background is required.

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