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noise vibration intensity


#This function will be exected when the button is pushed
proc push_button {} {
 global age occupied gender
 set name [.ent get]
 .txt insert end "$name\($gender\) is $age years old and is "
 if { $occupied == 1 } { ;#See whether he is employed
  set job_id [.lst curselection] ;#Get the no of selected jobs
  if { $job_id=={} } { ;#If there is no job
   set job "a Non worker."
  } else {
   set job [.lst get $job_id] ;#Get the name of the job
   .txt insert end "a $job."
 } else {
  .txt insert end "unemployed."

#Jobs will be activated only if occupation is enabled
proc activate_jobs {} {
 global occupied
 if { $occupied == 1 } {
  .lst configure -state normal
 } else {
  .lst configure -state disable

#Global Variables
set age 10
set occupied 1
set gender "Male"
#GUI building
frame .frm_name
label .lab -text "Name:"
entry .ent
scale .scl -label "Age :" -orient v -digit 1 -from 10 -to 50 \
 -variable age -tickinterval 10

frame .frm_job
checkbutton .chk -text "Occupied" -variable occupied -command "activate_jobs"
.chk deselect
listbox .lst -selectmode single
#Adding jobs
.lst insert end "Student" "Teacher" "Clerk" "Business Man" \
 "Militry Personal" "Computer Expert" "Others"
.lst configure -state disable ;#Disable jobs

frame .gender
label .lbl_gender -text "Sex "
radiobutton .gender.rdb_m -text "Male"   -variable gender -value "Male"
radiobutton .gender.rdb_f -text "Female" -variable gender -value "Female"
.gender.rdb_m select

button .but -text "Push Me" -command "push_button"

#Text Area
frame .textarea
text .txt -yscrollcommand ".srl_y set" -xscrollcommand ".srl_x set" \
 -width 40 -height 10
scrollbar .srl_y -command ".txt yview" -orient v
scrollbar .srl_x -command ".txt xview" -orient h

#Geometry Management
grid .frm_name -in . -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2
grid .lab -in .frm_name -row 1 -column 1
grid .ent -in .frm_name -row 1 -column 2
grid .scl -in . -row 2 -column 1
grid .frm_job -in . -row 2 -column 2
grid .chk -in .frm_job -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
grid .lst -in .frm_job -row 2 -column 1
grid .gender -in . -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2
grid .lbl_gender -in .gender -row 1 -column 1
grid .gender.rdb_m -in .gender -row 1 -column 2
grid .gender.rdb_f -in .gender -row 1 -column 3
grid .but -in . -row 4 -column 1 -columnspan 2
grid .txt   -in .textarea -row 1 -column 1
grid .srl_y -in .textarea -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ns
grid .srl_x -in .textarea -row 2 -column 1 -sticky ew
grid .textarea -in . -row 5 -column 1 -columnspan 2

cac biểu mẩu luôn
Chau Nguyen: giay khai sinh, ket hon, anh the 34
Chau Nguyen: photo ho chieu dk, vo con
Thang Nguyen: cùa cả mẹ và con ah
Chau Nguyen: uhh
Chau Nguyen: ai cung photo het
Chau Nguyen: giay khai sinh, ket hon dich wa tieng nhat
Chau Nguyen: roi len cityhall lay zay bao cao nop thue, bao cao thu nhap
Thang Nguyen: còn cái form dien vao
Chau Nguyen: photo chung nhan tien nhan duoc hang thang
Chau Nguyen: photo chung nhan dk dang nghien cuu tai truong iii
Thang Nguyen: uh
Chau Nguyen: xong
Chau Nguyen: apply form ko can lo
Chau Nguyen: len cho lam ho se co, chi cu the dien the nao luon
Thang Nguyen: uh
Chau Nguyen: photo ho chieu, the ngoai kieu cua dk
Chau Nguyen: mua 1 phong bi, con tem 380yen, ghi dia chi vao cai phong bi
Chau Nguyen: xog

wm title . "StyleSeq"                                          ;# メインウィンドウのタイトル                       #
wm geometry . 541x280+250+200 
label .l -textvariable buffer
pack .l

global v

pack [ ttk::progressbar .p -variable v ]
for {set v 0} {$v<100} {incr v} { after 100; update }

if {$v > 100} {
  destroy .p

The only way to drive UI is either use the UI automatic generator in SimXpert (no programming at all needed) or using QtDesigner to create cusom forms to a process (I have never done this, but this is how SimXpert UI is developped and the action properties support the .UI external definitions for this).

You should take the time to work exclusively in Python.

1. giay khai sanh
2. so ho khau vn
3. giay xac nhan cu tru
4. to trinh ve sinh ke cua gia dinh


Hi Nguyen Van Chau!

Your file thesis.pdf has been deleted because its a Violation of Author's intellectual property and its deletion has been requested by the thesis' author, Kouotou Fenjou.

Please refrain from uploading it again, risking being banned from this community. Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences takes Intellectual Property infractions very seriously.

Thank you. 


Guillermo Zebadua 

iMechanica Webmaster 

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