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Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Employment Opportunity for a Program Director Position, National Science Foundation

May 15, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) in the Directorate for Engineering at the National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a nationwide search to fill a Program Director position for the Engineering for Civil Infrastructure (ECI) Program.

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Employment Opportunity for an Associate Program Director Position, National Science Foundation

CMMI 18-003Dear Colleague Letter: Directorate for Engineering (ENG), Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) - Employment Opportunity for an Associate Program Director Position (Open Until Filled) 

February 20, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), within the Directorate for Engineering (ENG), at the National Science Foundation, announces a nationwide search to fill an Associate Program Director position.

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Employment Opportunity: Program Director, Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) Program, Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), National Science Foundation (NSF)

August 18, 2017

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) announces a nationwide search to fill a Program Director position for the Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MOMS) program.

Formal consideration of interested applications will begin September 15, 2017, and will continue until a selection is made with an intended start date of January, 2018.

Employment Opportunity - Program Directors at NSF

Dear Colleague Letter: Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) – Employment Opportunity for Program Director Positions (Open Until Filled)

NSF - Mechanics of Materials and Structures

Dear colleagues,

There have been two changes at NSF that do affect the imechanica community. I would like to bring these to your attention.

Dibakar Datta's picture

Future Directions in Mechanics Research @ Brown University

Dear All,

            Welcome to the NSF workshop and Freund symposium at Brown University to celebrate pioneering contributions of Professor L.B.Freund on mechanics research.

           Date : June 1-3 , 2011

           Website (Under Construction) :

           For any help, please feel free to ask the Help Desk members. 

           We hope to see you at Brown University.

Subra Suresh in line to be the Director of the National Science Foundation

Subra Suresh, the Dean of Engineering, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is in line to become the next Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), according to this post at Science.

Subra Suresh's pictureThe NSF director must be confirmed by the Senate, although it would be unusual for a nominee to attract any opposition.

Ken P. Chong's picture

MRI-R2 has been posted

The NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI-R²) Recovery and Reinvestment is now posted. This is a good way to build up the needed major research instrumentation

The deadline for proposals will be August 10, 2009.

A link can be found through the page (preferred to keep abreast of updates) or through the NSF-wide page at

Ken P. Chong's picture

Unsolicited proposals on Dynamical Systems

The Dynamical Systems program in the Directorate of Engineering and the Applied Mathematics Program in the directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Sciences, of the National Science Foundation, have just published a joint "Dear Colleague Letter", expressing interest in special topics in Dynamical Systems.  The letter encourages unsolicited proposals on the following topics:

Ken P. Chong's picture


For the 2009 solicitation, we will consider proposals that aim to investigate emerging frontiers in the following two specific research areas:

  1. BioSensing & BioActuation: Interface of Living and Engineered Systems (BSBA)
  2. Hydrocarbons from Biomass (HyBi)

Due dates

Ken P. Chong's picture

STC FY2008 solicitation has cleared

Plans are underway to issue a solicitation for the Science and Technology Centers Program in July 2008. Please visit the STC website for updates:

Graduate Research Supplements (GRS) to Current ENG Awards to Broaden Participation

(This message was sent to iMechanica by Ken Chong, of the National Science Foundation).  This letter is to call your attention to an opportunity to broaden participation particularly of underrepresented students in Ph.D. programs in engineering through supplements to current research grants funded by the divisions in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) at the National Science Foundation.

A message from Ken Chong (NSF): CDI panelists recruiting

The NSF is preparing to handle the review of preliminary proposals submitted in response to the Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) solicitation.

House Passes $600 Million Increase in National Science Foundation Budget

House Passes $600 Million Increase in National Science Foundation Budget July 27, 2007 --The U.S. House of Representatives passed an appropriations bill that would increase funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) by nearly $600 million or 10 percent to $6.5 billion in fiscal year 2008.  The bill would put NSF on track to double its budget in less than 10 years.

Nanshu Lu's picture

NSF Mini Travel Grants - 10th Pan American Congress Appl. Mech

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a recent award to help increase graduate student participation at the Tenth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM X).  These awards will be made in the form of mini-travel grants ($500 - $1,000) for exceptionally qualified students to participate in PACAM X January 7-11, 2008, in beautiful Cancun, Mexico.

Zhigang Suo's picture

An old and unfunded proposal to NSF to create iMechanica

In response to a NSF call for proposal on Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our 21st Century Workforce (CI-TEAM), in June 2006, several of us submitted a proposal entitled "iMechanica:  Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure to Evolve All Knowledge of Applied Mechanics"

Rashid K. Abu Al-Rub's picture

NSF: 2007 Alan T. Waterman Award Winner

Photo of Peidong Yang, 2007 Alan T. Waterman Award Winner2007 Alan T. Waterman Award Winner

Peidong Yang

The National Science Foundation’s Highest Honor

Ken P. Chong's picture

NSF Proposal Writing Workshop

Subject: NSF Proposal Writing Workshop ( August 22-23, 2007 - Alaska)

Sponsored by NSF, a Proposal Writing Workshop will be held on August 22-23, 2007, at University of Alaska-Fairbanks. The workshop mainly aims to provide future proposal submitters (in all disciplines funded by NSF) with knowledge and tools to write good proposals, proposal review experience, and it will enable interactions with NSF program directors and recent NSF awardees. The event is targeted at an EPSCoR state, Alaska. However, the workshop is open to participants from other states as space permits.

Ken P. Chong's picture





Title: Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI)

A message from Dr. Ken P. Chong

The deadline of October 1, 2006 for my program of Mechanics & Structures of Materials was inadvertently omitted in our website. However, at the beginning of our CMS home page there are 2 deadlines listed for all programs. In the meantime any unsolicited proposals for my program, please put in GPG 04-23 as the Program Announcement [1st box]. In the 2nd box put in my program name [Mechanics & Structures of Materials].

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