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phase field modeling

Ph.D. Student Positions in Computational Materials Science and Mechanics

Several Ph.D. student positions are available in phase field and mesoscale plasticity areas at Purdue University’s School of Materials Engineering. In addition to meeting all admission requirements, the ideal student would be one who is theory and computations oriented, with background in Fortran 90 and/or C++ skills and reasonable knowledge in mechanics and microstructure science of materials. Students with M.S. degree in mechanical engineering/mechanics, aerospace engineering/mechanics or in materials modeling and simulations are desirable for these position. To start in January 2018, a prospective domestic student needs to apply by the middle of October and an international student by October 1, 2017. For inquiry, please send email to Professor Anter El-Azab (

mohsenzaeem's picture

Formation path of delta hydrides in zirconium by multiphase field modeling

A multiphase field model is developed to study the effects of metastable ζ and γ hydrides on the nucleation and growth of the stable δ hydrides in α zirconium matrix.  Acta Materialia 123 (2017) 235-244 

IMDEA Materials Institute (Madrid, Spain) seeks a PhD student

The Computational Alloy Design group of IMDEA
Materials Institute (Madrid, Spain) seeks a PhD student in materials/mechanical/metallurgy
engineering or physics) to work in the area of mesoscale modeling. The selected
candidate is expected to carry out the research on phase field modeling of the
microstructure development for TiAl intermetallics during the solidification
and casting processing under the supervision of a project leader.
the completion of the doctoral study (4 years),

mohsenzaeem's picture

Immediate opening for a Ph.D. student in computational mechanics and materials at Missouri University of Science and Technology

There is an immediate opening for a Ph.D. student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T - formerly University of Missouri-Rolla). The Metallurgical Engineering program at Missouri S&T is one of the largest and most respected in the U.S. (

The Ph.D. research project is about developing a coupled phase-field crystal plasticity model for predicting stress-strain-microstructures relations during deformation.

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