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Fellowship in Digital Engineering for Fusion Energy

In March 2021, The University of Manchester signed a 10 year collaboration agreement with the UKAEA, resulting in a £15M investment for two new research groups; Digital Engineering and Tritium. I lead the Digital Engineering group. The aim is to build a virtual garage where engineers can try out new designs for fusion reactors more quickly than building full-scale prototypes.

PhD Vacancy: UK Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Energy

I am currently looking to fill an open PhD position in a project titled:

Advanced Virtual Design of 3D Printed Fusion Reactor Components

This is to continue recent work that uses X-ray tomography, high performance computing and finite element analysis to design the plasma facing wall of the ITER reactor. Recent related publications can be found below:

PhD Positions in Advanced Virtual Prototyping at the University of Manchester

I am currently recruiting new PhD students to join my research group at The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. The core focus of the group is advanced computing for engineering simulation. My research interests centre on extreme scale parallel computing, cloud computing and virtual reality simulation platforms, applied to scientific and engineering problems involving complex processes.

PhD Positions in Advanced Virtual Prototyping at the University of Manchester

I am currently recruiting new PhD students to join my research group at The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. The core focus of the group is advanced computing for engineering simulation. My research interests centre on extreme scale parallel computing, cloud computing and virtual reality simulation platforms, applied to scientific and engineering problems involving complex processes.

MatISSE/JPNM workshop on cross-cutting issues in structural materials R&D for future energy systems Petten, Netherlands, Nov. 25-26

 A Workshop will be Organized at Instute of Energy and Transport in Petten, the Netherlands, the 25 and 26th of November. The topic of the Workshop is "cross-cutting issues in structural materials R&D for future energy systems ". It will be organised around four cross-cutting issues:

PostDoc position, Karlsruhe (Germany): Mechanics of Granular Materials in Fusion Technology

A research position is now opening in the field of Computational Mechanics of granular materials, in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. This position should start between May and September 2010, and is a full-time fixed-term PostDoc position for 2 years (TVL E13).

The 8th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-8), Heidelberg, Germany (Sep-Oct, 2007)

The 8th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-8) will be held in Heidelberg, Germany, from 30th September to 5th October, 2007.

 The Symposium  will focus on all technical aspects of fusion nuclear technology (FNT) and other related disciplines...


  1. First Wall Technology and High Heat Flux Components
  2. Blanket Technology
  3. Fuel Cycle and Tritium Processing
  4. Material Engineering for FNT
  5. Vacuum Vessel
  6. Nuclear System Design and Reactor Studies
  7. Safety Issues and Waste Management
  8. Models and Experiments for FNT
  9. Repair and Maintenance
  10. Burning Plasma Control and Operation
  11. Inertial Confinement Fusion Studies and Technologies
  12. FNT Contributions to other Fields of Science and Technology

What can mechanicians do in fusion research?

More than fifty years ago, people realized that we can use fusion for energy, but the problem remains where and how to keep a plasma of 100 million degrees centigrade.

For TOKAMAK, one of the approaches to use the fusion power, now comes the news: "On 21 November, Ministers from the seven ITER Parties came together to sign the agreement to establish the international Organization that will implement ITER."

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