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inverse problems

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Postdoc on computational methods to process experimental data

A Postdoctoral Fellow is sought to fill an immediate opening in the Gross Materials Lab at the University of South Carolina to work on a DARPA funded project. The postdoc will have the opportunity to attend regular meetings with DARPA and other DOD program managers. The research is focused on extracting yield surfaces from data rich full-field experimental information by solving an inverse problem. This research will be primarily computational and will integrate closely with a graduate student conducting experiments.

Andrew J. Gross's picture

Open Postdoc position for Fall 2023 on computational methods to process experimental data

One postdoc is sought to fill an opening in the Gross Materials Lab (group website: at the University of South Carolina. This research is focused on extracting yield surfaces from data rich full-field experimental information by solving an inverse problem. This research will be primarily computational and will integrate closely with a graduate student conducting experiments. Applicants with relevant experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

johnbrigham's picture

Open Postdoctoral Position - University of Pittsburgh



Computational Diagnostics and Inverse Mechanics


A postdoctoral appointment is available in the Computational Diagnostics and Inverse Mechanics (CDIM) research group under the supervision of Dr. John C. Brigham at the University of Pittsburgh Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 


Cédric Bellis's picture

Postdoctoral position on: Inversion in nonlinear elastodynamics with application to the imaging of damaged media - CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, France

A one-year postdoctoral position is available at the Laboratory of Mechanics & Acoustics, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, France.


This project focuses on the propagation of waves in damaged solids, which involves nonlinear phenomena. The proposal aims at studying the inverse problem of parameter identification from elastodynamic data to quantify the nonlinear properties of the propagation medium. The work will address the theoretical and numerical aspects of the problem.

Cédric Bellis's picture

Postdoctoral position on: Identification of elastic microstructures from full-field measurements - CNRS & Aix-Marseille University France

A one-year postdoctoral position is available at the Laboratory of Mechanics & Acoustics, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, France.

The project focuses on image-based identification problems for physical quantities of interest in solid mechanics within the framework of optical measurement methods for complex manufactured materials. The guideline objective is to develop an identification framework for multiscale, heterogeneous and anisotropic media.

More information can be found in the attachment.

Application deadline: February 28th, 2015.

Jamie Guest's picture

Journal Club Theme of January 2015: Topology Optimization for Materials Design

Processing technologies are rapidly advancing and manufacturers now have the ability to control material architecture, or topology, at unprecedented length scales. This opens up the design space and provides exciting opportunities for tailoring material properties through design of the material’s topology. But as seen many times in history with advancements in materials and processing technologies, the natural default is to rely on familiar shapes and structure topologies.

One PhD student position at Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Akron, OH

Recruiting PhD students at University of Akron, Department of Civil Engineering. Intelligent Structural Engineering and Health Monitoring Group

Our website:

Research Area:Stochastic Modeling of Composite Materials, Inverse Problems, Experimental Mechanics.

Scholarship program is available for suitable candidate. 

Applications including CV and PS can be sent to Dr. Gunjin Yun

Ph.D. in seismology and geodynamics at ETH Zurich

The institute of Geophysics of ETH Zurich is seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to be working in the domain of seismic imaging of the Earth's interior. Global seismic tomography is a relatively young discipline that rose to prominence in the 1980s and

Journal Club Theme of March 1: Measuring Cellular Tractions

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Cell tractions are the outcome of the complex process of cytoskeletal force generation that cell uses to maintain structural stability, to sense the physical environment and to propel itself.  We are only now beginning to understand the process of cytoskeletal force generation, and we cannot yet say much about the losses in transmission through focal adhesion/integrin complexes (attachment ‘islands’ at the cell-substrate interface), but we can definitely measure the tractions that result from cytoskeletal force generation.  The mechanics behind the measurement method might be of interest to the wider audience of iMechanica, as it involves an interesting inverse problem and different solution methods that have incited lively discussions in past years.

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