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How to add images to your post?

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Upload an image to iMechanica. If you have an image of an intriguing mechanical phenomenon, or of a distinguished mechanician, you can upload the image to iMechanica by the following steps:

  1. Click image.
  2. Enter a title, add tags, and enter a body of text.
  3. Browse the image.
  4. Go to the bottom to click "Submit".

The uploaded image behaves like a post:

Who are moderators and what do they do?

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The architects can assign a subset of registered users to be moderators.

The moderating rules are set by the limit of the software and by the architects. A moderator can do the following:

Zhigang Suo's picture

What happens after you submit a blog post?

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The post will appear in your blog. It will also appear when people click any of the tags that you have assigned to the post. iMech indexes its content about once every hour. Once indexed, your post is searchable. The post will also appear in front of people who have subscribed to the RSS feeds of iMech.

Your post has a unique URL (so-called permalink), which appears in the navigation bar when you click the title of your post. Such a permalink can be used by all authors in the Internet to hyperlink to your post. So, each post is like an atom, capable of chemical reaction with other posts. Make each of your post focused. This is particularly important if you have more than one good ideas.

Zhigang Suo's picture

How to make a hyperlink?

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You are writing a post (A), and would like to make a hyperlink from a phrase (B) inside your post to a web page (C) somewhere else.

Here are the steps.

Zhigang Suo's picture

How to localize a webpage of a journal paper?

(Adapted from a post originally posted on Applied Mechanics News on 14 July 2006)

by Daniel C. Suo, Teng Li and Zhigang Suo

Zhigang Suo's picture

Bring researchers from industries to iMechanica

Posts on mechanics in industries may attract considerable interest. The audience will be mechanicians working in industries, students planning industrial careers, and academics looking for industrial collaborations.

How to upload personal photo to your account?

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First, please check the size and dimension of your photo before you upload. The maximum size is 30kb and the maximum dimension is 85x85 pixel. Usually, your photo is much larger than this requirement.

Second, use some software to resize your photo to the required dimension, e.g. ACDsee. Then you can upload your phote in your acount and your photo will appear in every entry you put in iMechanica.

Welcome to iMechanica and see you there.

Zhigang Suo's picture

How does iMechanica relate to Applied Mechanics Blogs?

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In January 2006, with the encouragement of the Executive Committee of the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, several volunteers initialed Applied Mechanics News (AMN), a blog of news and views of interest to the international community of Applied Mechanics, accompanied by sister blogs covering research and researchers, conferences, and jobs. Within weeks, AMN topped the list on Google, Yahoo and MSN for the query of applied mechanics news. By late August 2006, the four sister blogs had a total of over 65,000 page loads, and on average over hundred unique visitors every day, from all over the world.

The Internet has enabled AMN to be international and inter-organizational. The news can be updated continuously by many volunteers. Some of the initial thoughts of AMN was collected in the entry Applied Mechanics in the Age of Web 2.0.

Zhigang Suo's picture

How is iMechanica managed?

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iMechanica runs on Drupal, an open-source content manage system, and is hosted on a server at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (HSEAS).

Zhigang Suo's picture

RSS feeds

What is RSS feed?
Really Simple Syndication, better known as RSS feed, updates posts and comments on your computer. To read RSS feeds, you will need to set up a feed reader, such as Google Reader.

Sample iMechanica feeds:

  • Front page, rss.xml
  • All comments, crss

You can also create your own feeds of iMechanica.

Other useful feeds:

Teng Li's picture

Why should you post in iMechanica?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 
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Because you love mechanics and because you want to help others to learn mechanics. Well, these may be part of the reason. Perhaps more importantly, you would like to help yourself by helping others to discover you and your research.

Teng Li's picture

What is a tag?

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A tag is a keyword or a phrase associated with a post as a means of classification. In each post, the tags appear as a list between the title and the text of the post. If you click any tag in such a list, all posts in iMechanica with the same tag will show up. In effect, tags classify posts in iMech into channels.

When you write a post, you have the option to assign the post with one of the featured tags, which are listed in the header: research, education, mechanicians, opinions, industries, conferences, jobs, and tips.

Zhigang Suo's picture

How does iMechanica work?

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iMechanica runs as a multiblog, and aims to be the web of mechanics and mechanicians.

A blog (short for weblog) is a web site on which an individual or a small group of individuals can post entries in a chonological order, with the most recent entry appearing on the top. Each entry has a unique URL, so that it can be linked to as an individual unit. This granularity, perhaps more than anything else, is responsible for the popularity of blogs as a means for communication.

All blogs on the Internet are collectively known as the blogshpere. Blog entries interact with one another by hyperlinks. If each blog entry were an atom, the blogsphere would be a condensed matter. Its collective behavior may as well be a subject of academic study.

Once you join iMechanica, you will have your blog. Posting a blog entry is similar as sending an email. All you need is a title and a body. You can also add images and and attach files. iMechanica provides an easy platform, so that you can focus on content rather than the technologies of server, database, PHP and XML.

Teng Li's picture

What can you do with iMechanica?

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iMechanica aims to use the Internet to enhance communication in the international community of Applied Mechanics.

Once you join iMechanica, you have your own blog, where you can share opinions, report recent research news, announce a conference or a job ad, or post anything of interest of Applied Mechanics community. In your posts, you can use hyperlinks, insert images, and attach files (pdf, doc, etc.).

You can also comment on other's (and even your own) posts, through which mechanicians can interact with each other.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Who should join iMechanica?

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Everyone. That is, everyone interested in mechanics and mechanicians. This includes students, academics, practitioners, publishers, managers in funding agencies, and enthusiasts. iMechanica is free: writers are free to post, and readers are free to read.

Registering takes less than 1 minute. All you need is your name and your email address. Within 2 minutes, you should have posted your first entry. Posting an entry is similar to sending an email: all you need is a title and a body of text. The rest is optional.


About iMechanica

Mission. The mission of iMechanica is

  1. to use the Internet to enhance communication among mechanicians
  2. to pave a way to evolve online all knowledge of mechanics

See evolving history and recent numbers of iMechanica.

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Zhigang Suo's picture

Applied Mechanics in the Age of Web 2.0

The ASME International Applied Mechanics Division has about 5000 members. The number is too large for us to know each other individually, but too small for CNN to cover us in the Situation Room.

Then came the Internet. We have since been in touch through emails, and looked up each other on the Web. Many web pages created in 1990s, however, are static. For such a web page, the bottleneck is often the webmaster. He or she gets a request each time anyone wants to post anything. It is more like a broadcast than a web.

In recent years, there have been waves of new internet phenomena, such as Wikipedia, Real Simple Syndicates (RSS), open-source movement, and web logs (blogs). They are collectively known as Web 2.0.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Let us seize the greatest opportunity of our time

We've been hearing rumors that print is dead, killed by the Internet. What is the reality then? For example, how are newspapers doing? Not too badly, according to the numbers cited by James Surowiecki, of The New Yorker. He also made the following remarks, however.

"The popular conviction that papers are doomed may cause owners and shareholders to prefer the cash-cow approach, accepting eventual oblivion while continuing to harvest billions of dollars in profits. Settling for a tolerable short-term future, newspapers could end up writing themselves out of the long-term one. Yet it’s also clear that this moment of supposed doom represents a sizable opportunity for newspapers, a chance to reinvigorate their product and, eventually, improve the economics of their business."


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