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How to apply cyclic loading for crack propagation using a time increment at every time step in ANSYS?


Hello everyone,

 I am having trouble applying cyclic loading in ANSYS with a frequency of 2 Hz while comparing the stress levels of interface elements at my crack interface. After I apply the first loading cycle I post process the result compare the stress values of the elements and proceed to the second cycle, while I do that once I post process the results the time step at the start of the second load cycle starts from time 0 again which is affecting my load increment Vs time, to get around this problem I applied a dummy load until it reaches the time step of the previous cycle and then proceeded with applying actual loads. 

I tried DELTIM command and it did not work, If anyone has any idea about anyother better options please enlighten me and it would be of great help.


Vinay Raghuram


I have the same problem how to apply cyclic loading

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