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Postdoc Openings at CMU on Soft Multifunctional Materials

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The Integrated Soft Materials Lab (SML) is accepting applications for postdoctoral appointments in the areas of soft-matter electronics and multifunctional materials. The postdoctoral researchers will lead efforts to develop composites and integrated soft material architectures for sensing and actuation in wearable, deformable, and shape-programmable systems.  Applications will focus on artificial skin and muscle for autonomous soft robots, prostheses, and wearable computing.  

These projects are anticipated to include some combination of soft lithography, microfabrication, microfluidics, rapid prototyping, electronics integration, and materials characterization.  Where necessary, such efforts may also be informed by insights from soft condensed matter physics, polymer chemistry, and the mechanics and thermodynamics of continua.

Interested candidates should send their CV, contact information for up to three references, and a one-page cover letter to These are one-year appointments with the possibility for annual renewal.

SML is led by Prof. Carmel Majidi and is affiliated with Carnegie Mellon’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Institute.  

Lab webpage:

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