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Oden Warren's blog

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UPDATED: Nanobrücken 2014 Nanomechanical Testing Workshop

Dear Colleague: You are cordially invited to participate in the Nanobrücken 2014 Nanomechanical Testing Workshop, which will take place March 26-28, 2014 at INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, Germany. This will be the 4th edition of the annual Nanobrücken workshop series. This year's Keynote Speaker will be Andrew Minor (University of California, Berkeley).

Oden Warren's picture

Nanobrücken 2014 Nanomechanical Testing Workshop

The Nanobrücken 2014
Nanomechanical Testing Workshop
will take place March 26-28, 2014 at INM -
Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, Germany. This will be the
4th edition of the now-annual Nanobrücken workshop series. This year's 
Keynote Speaker will be Andrew Minor (University of California, Berkeley).

Oden Warren's picture

EXTENDED ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Nanobrücken II: A Nanomechanical Testing Workshop, March 22-23, 2012, INM Saarbrücken, Germany

Dear Colleague:

You are cordially invited to attend Nanobrücken II:  A Nanomechanical Testing Workshop, jointly presented by INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials and Hysitron, Inc., with co-sponsorship from the JEOL company. This is the second workshop in the Nanobrücken series. The workshop's scope has been broadened, and the abstract submission deadline is now February 19, 2012.

Oden Warren's picture

Nanomechanics symposium at SES 2010

Dear Colleague: Please consider submitting your nanomechanics related abstract to Symposium 4-1 ("Nanomechanics: Beyond Modulus and Hardness") of the 47th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, which takes place October 4-6, 2010 at Iowa State University, Ames, IA. The deadline for abstract submission is 5:00pm CST, Monday, June 7, 2010. The meeting's homepage can be found at

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Nanobrücken Nanomechanical Testing Workshop: Feb 24-26, 2010 at INM Saarbrücken

The Nanobrücken Nanomechanical Testing Workshop, Feb 24-26, 2010 at INM Saarbrücken in Germany, aims to bring together researchers from the international nanomechanical community in a forum that highlights both techniques and applications. The workshop features an outstanding lineup of keynote and invited speakers. We cordially invite you to attend and encourage you to participate with a contributed oral or poster presentation.


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