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Theory of Elasticity, An introduction to Continuum Mechanics

Kejie Zhao's picture

I would mostly like to recommend Theory of Elasticity (Timoshenko and Goodier), basically the Bible for all mechanicians, as a complementary to Solid Mechanics course. This textbook is especially suitable for the students with foundamental feelings of solid mechanics. It starts from introduction of basic assumptions in elasticity, components of stress, strain, equilibrium equation and constitutive equation in chapter1. Chapter2-6 are on two-dimentional problems, i.e., plane stress and plane strain, and their application to rectangular, polar and curvilinear coordinate systems. Chapter7-12 are the general theorems in three dimentions and elementary problems, i.e., torsion, bending and axisymmetric deformation. Though the treatment is in classic framework, the considered problems are still modern and we can always find their applications nowdays. This book also includes a brief introduction to thermal stress and waves propagation in solid states media. Timoshenko's book is always easy to read. For students in ES240, we can always find the similar problems in the homework, which may be mostly helpful for finishing the homeworkCool.

At the same time, for the students brandly new in solid mechanics, I would like to mention the textbook Mechanics of Materials by Efrdinand P. Beer and Russell Johnston. JR. There are several books reserved in Macay, and quite easy to understand. For those deeply involved in solid state research I strongly recommend some textbooks on continuum mechanics. I once took this course during graduate study and was largely benifited from it.  I found a textbook An Introduction to Contiuum Mechanics by Morron E. Curtin in Macay which is not hard to read. It was also the textbook for graduate student at Brown University. This book presents an introduction to the classic theories of contiuum mechanics, in particular to the theory of ideal, compressible and viscous fluids and linear, nonlinear theories of elasticities. These theories are fairly important because they form the base upon which the people readily construct more complex theories of material behavior. For people who has strong physical background, this book provides the mechanics insight based on contiuum description. For students from China, the Fundamentals of Contiuum Mechanics (in chinese)By Huang, Zhuping, reserved in Macay may be preferred.


Jian SHI's picture

thanks for your input

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